const date = require('../../../src/website/theme-base/helpers/relative') const handlebars = require('handlebars') const should = require('should/as-function') describe('Handlebars helpers: relative', () => { handlebars.registerHelper('relative', date) it('returns a path in the same folder', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(``) const res = template({ album: { path: 'index.html' } }) should(res).eql('') }) it('returns a relative path for albums in nested folders', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(``) const res = template({ album: { path: 'albums/holidays.html' } }) should(res).eql('') }) // TODO: this should not be needed anymore because all URLs are already escaped it('escapes single quotes so they can be used in CSS background-image', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(`background-image('{{relative url}}')`) const res = template({ url: "l'histoire.jpg", album: { path: 'index.html' } }) should(res).eql("background-image('l%27histoire.jpg')") }) // TODO: this should not be needed anymore because all URLs are already escaped it('escapes double quotes so they can be used in tags', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(``) const res = template({ url: 'l"histoire.jpg', album: { path: 'index.html' } }) should(res).eql('') }) })