const async = require('async') const childProcess = require('child_process') const Observable = require('zen-observable') const path = require('path') const trace = require('debug')('thumbsup:trace') const debug = require('debug')('thumbsup:debug') const error = require('debug')('thumbsup:error') = function (rootAlbum, outputFolder) { return new Observable(observer => { const albums = flattenAlbums([rootAlbum]) const zippers = albums.filter(a => => { return (done) => { debug(`Zipping album ${} (${album.files.length} files)`) const zipPath = path.join(outputFolder, const filenames = => createZip(zipPath, outputFolder, filenames, done) } }) async.series(zippers, err => { if (err) { observer.error(err) } else { observer.complete(err) } }) }) } function flattenAlbums (albums, result) { return albums.reduce((acc, album) => { acc.push(album) return flattenAlbums(album.albums, acc) }, result || []) } // This function uses the Unix ZIP command, which supports "updating" a ZIP file // In the future it could also delegate to 7zip on Windows function createZip (targetZipPath, currentFolder, filesToInclude, done) { const args = ['-FS', targetZipPath].concat(filesToInclude) const startTime = trace(`Calling: zip ${args.join(' ')}`) const child = childProcess.spawn('zip', args, { cwd: currentFolder, stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore'] }) child.on('error', (err) => { error('Error: please verify that is installed on your system') error(err.toString()) }) child.on('close', (code, signal) => { const elapsed = Math.floor( - startTime) debug(`Zip exited with code ${code} in ${elapsed}ms`) done(code === 0 ? null : new Error(`Error creating ZIP file ${targetZipPath}`)) }) }