Copy missing VideoJS fonts (still using version 4.12.15, current is 5.16.0)

Romain 7 years ago
parent 0c125e90df
commit 794c76c232

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ = function(rootAlbum, opts, callback) {
function support(callback) {
// copy all external JS/CSS
var dest = path.join(opts.output, 'public');
fs.copy(DIR_PUBLIC, dest, callback);
@ -76,6 +77,12 @@ = function(rootAlbum, opts, callback) {
fs.copy(src, dest, callback);
function videoJS (callback) {
// copy VideoJS fonts that need to be one level above in a folder called "f"
var dest = path.join(opts.output, 'f');
fs.copy(path.join(DIR_PUBLIC, 'f'), dest, callback);
function renderStyles(callback) {
var themeFile = path.join(DIR_TEMPLATES, 'themes', opts.theme, 'theme.less');
var themeLess = fs.readFileSync(themeFile, 'utf-8');
@ -93,6 +100,7 @@ = function(rootAlbum, opts, callback) {
], function(err) {
