You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const _ = require('lodash')
const path = require('path')
const Album = require('../model/album')
exports.createAlbums = function (collection, mapper, opts) {
// returns a top-level album for the home page
// under which all files are grouped into sub-albums
// and finalised recursively (calculate stats, etc...)
const home = group(collection, mapper, opts.homeAlbumName)
return home
function group (collection, mapper, homeAlbumName) {
// this hashtable will contain all albums, with the full path as key
// e.g. groups['holidays/tokyo']
var groups = {
// the home album is indexed as '.'
// the value of '.' is local to this function, and doesn't appear anywhere else
'.': new Album(homeAlbumName)
// put all files in the right albums
// a file can be in multiple albums
collection.forEach(function (file) {
const albums = _.chain(mapper.getAlbums(file))
// All special names map to the same home
.map(albumPath => !albumPath || ['', '.', '/'].includes(albumPath) ? '.' : albumPath)
// no duplicate albums
albums.forEach(albumPath => {
createAlbumHierarchy(groups, albumPath)
// return the top-level album
return groups['.']
function createAlbumHierarchy (allGroupNames, segment) {
if (!allGroupNames.hasOwnProperty(segment)) {
// create parent albums first
var parent = path.dirname(segment)
if (parent !== '.') {
createAlbumHierarchy(allGroupNames, parent)
// then create album if it doesn't exist
// and attach it to its parent
var lastSegment = path.basename(segment)
allGroupNames[segment] = new Album({ title: lastSegment })