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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Hamish Coleman
# Given an FL2 file from the Lenovo BIOS update, try to recognise which
# packing system was used and allow the EC firmware image inside it to
# be extracted or reinserted
# Note that this script is just intended to deal with the container and
# any actions needed to extract or insert into the container - It does
# not check any checksums within the IMG - that should be left to
# the img manipulating tools (like mec tools).
# This script now supports extracting a couple of FL1 files, so its name
# is starting to be wrong.
package log;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Some simple logging
my @log;
sub add {
my @entry = caller();
push @entry, @_;
push @log, \@entry;
sub print {
my $self = shift;
for my $entry (@log) {
my $package = shift @{$entry};
my $filename = shift @{$entry};
my $line = shift @{$entry};
printf("%s:%i %s ", $filename, $line, $package);
package FL2::base;
use warnings;
use strict;
# The base class for all the various types of FL2 encapsulation
use IO::File;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift || return undef; # must have a file handle
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{fh} = $fh;
$self->{filesize} = (stat($self->{fh}))[7];
return $self->_check();
sub set_offset_size {
my $self = shift;
$self->{offset} = shift;
$self->{size} = shift;
return $self;
sub offset { return shift->{offset}; }
sub size { return shift->{size}; }
sub get_block {
my $self = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $size = shift;
return undef if (!$self->{fh}->seek($offset, 0));
my $buf;
my $count = $self->{fh}->sysread($buf, $size);
return undef if ($count != $size);
return \$buf;
# The base class simply says "no" to any checks - override to use
sub _check {
return undef;
# Once a subclass has set the length and size, we can go and double check it
# has the expected copyright message
sub _check_copyright {
my $self = shift;
my $expect = "(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2005 All Rights Reserved ";
my $check_size = length($expect);
my @offsets = (
0x268, # ARCompact 32bit platforms
0x264, # older 16bit platforms
while (@offsets) {
my $check_offset = shift @offsets;
my $buf = $self->get_block($self->offset()+$check_offset, $check_size);
return undef if (!defined($buf));
if ($$buf eq $expect) {
return $self;
log::add("no copyright (offset=0x%x)",$self->offset());
return undef;
# Helper function, called by the real classes if they support extraction
sub _extract {
my $self = shift;
my $imgfile = shift;
my $buf = $self->get_block($self->offset(),$self->size());
die("bad read") if (!defined($buf));
my $fh = IO::File->new($imgfile, "w");
if (!defined($fh)) {
warn("Could not open $imgfile: $!");
return undef;
my $count = $fh->syswrite($$buf);
if ($count != $self->size()) {
die("bad write");
return $self;
# Helper function, called by the real classes if they support insertion
sub _insert {
my $self = shift;
my $imgfile = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($imgfile, "r");
if (!defined($fh)) {
warn("Could not open $imgfile: $!");
return undef;
my $buf;
my $count = $fh->sysread($buf, $self->size());
if ($count != $self->size()) {
die("bad read");
if (!$self->{fh}->seek($self->offset(), 0)) {
die("bad seek");
$count = $self->{fh}->syswrite($buf);
if ($count != $self->size()) {
die("bad write");
return $self;
package FL2::prefix_ff;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL2 files that consist entirely of 0xff up until the IMG
# All the files that used to match this pattern now match one of the checkers
# with better signatures
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# List of known file sizes (basically a doublecheck on the signature)
my $known = {
8523776 => [0x500000, 0x20000], # x220 8DHT34WW
12718080 => [0x500000, 0x30000], # xx30
16912384 => [0x500000, 0x30000],
my $check_offset = 0;
my $check_size = 0x1000;
my $buf = $self->get_block($check_offset, $check_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my $try_data = $known->{$self->{filesize}};
if (!defined($try_data)) {
log::add("not in known sizes");
return undef;
if ($$buf ne "\xff"x$check_size) {
log::add("failed 0xff check");
return undef;
# All current examples of this format were encrypted
# Loop through the known offset,size pairs for this filesize,
# looking for one that has a matching copyright
while (scalar(@{$try_data})) {
my $try_offset = shift @{$try_data};
my $try_size = shift @{$try_data};
$self->set_offset_size($try_offset, $try_size);
my $match = $self->_check_copyright();
if ($match) {
return $match;
log::add("no copyright message");
return undef;
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
sub insert {
return shift->_insert(shift);
package FL2::prefix_garbage;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL2 files that have garbage at the beginning and large areas of
# 0xff before the IMG
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# List of known file sizes (basically a doublecheck on the signature)
# When found, Data is:
# [0] offset of EC firmware
# [1] size of EC firmware
# [2] offset of block to check for all 0xff as a signature check
my $known = {
4213270 => [0x290000, 0x20000, 0x21000], #
4240490 => [0x290000, 0x20000, 0x21000], # at least two x200 images
# If the filesize is not in our known database, return no match
my $known_data = $known->{$self->{filesize}};
if (!defined($known_data)) {
log::add("not in known sizes");
return undef;
my $check_size = 0x1000;
my $buf = $self->get_block($known_data->[2], $check_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
if ($$buf ne "\xff"x$check_size) {
log::add("failed 0xff check");
return undef;
# All current examples of this format were not encrypted
return $self->_check_copyright();
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
sub insert {
return shift->_insert(shift);
package FL2::prefix_head_NAPI;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL2 files that have a "NAPI" header, followed by 0xff, followed
# by the IMG
# This was first seen in old x60 FL2 files
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _find_napi {
my $self = shift;
my $offset = 0;
while ($offset < $self->{filesize}) {
my $buf = $self->get_block($offset, 4);
return undef if (!defined($buf));
$buf = $$buf;
if ($buf eq 'NAPI') {
return $offset;
return undef; # not found
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
my $header_offset = $self->_find_napi();
if (!defined($header_offset)) {
log::add("no NAPI header found");
return undef;
my $header_size = 0x20;
my $buf = $self->get_block($header_offset, $header_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my @fields = qw(
signature1 unk1 unk2 signature2 unk3 unk4 unk5 signature3
unk6 unk7 unk8 all_00
my @values = unpack("a4vCa4vvva4vVVc",$$buf);
map { $self->{header}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
if ($self->{header}{signature1} ne "NAPI") {
log::add("failed signature");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{signature2} ne "ESCD") {
log::add("failed signature");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{signature3} ne "ACFG") {
log::add("failed signature");
return undef;
# because I have no idea about the actual format of this header, we check
# every field
if (($self->{header}{unk1} != 0x000f) ||
($self->{header}{unk2} != 0x8d) ||
($self->{header}{unk3} != 0x000f) ||
($self->{header}{unk4} != 0x000e) ||
($self->{header}{unk5} != 0x000e) ||
($self->{header}{unk6} != 0x0200) ||
($self->{header}{unk7} != 0x00000000) ||
($self->{header}{unk8} != 0x0000fedf) ||
($self->{header}{all_00} != 0x00)
) {
die("Unexpected NAPI header data");
# die instead of simply logging, since we have matched a signature
# and dont want to let this fall through to another checker
# - there is one more field at offset 0x1fff, containing a 0x02
my $check_offset = 0x2000;
my $check_size = 0x1000;
$buf = $self->get_block($check_offset, $check_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
if ($$buf ne "\xff"x$check_size) {
log::add("failed 0xff check");
return undef;
# All current examples of this format were not encrypted
$self->set_offset_size($header_offset + 0x10000, 0x20000);
return $self->_check_copyright();
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
sub insert {
return shift->_insert(shift);
package FL2::prefix_nothing;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Some FL2 files are simply the IMG data, with no header or container.
# For these, we can check the copyright string from inside the IMG
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# List of known file sizes (basically a doublecheck on the signature)
my $known = {
196608 => [0, 0x30000], # x240 GIHT32WW
if (!defined($known->{$self->{filesize}})) {
log::add("not in known sizes");
return undef;
# All current examples of this format were encrypted
return $self->_check_copyright();
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
sub insert {
return shift->_insert(shift);
package FL2::prefix_head_EC;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL2 files that have a "_EC" prefix header at their start
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# List of known file sizes (basically a doublecheck on the signature)
# We also store the encryption flag in here
my $known = {
196896 => 'yes',
262176 => 'no',
286752 => 'no',
my $header_offset = 0;
my $header_size = 0x20;
my $trailer_size = 0x100;
my $buf = $self->get_block($header_offset, $header_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my @fields = qw(
signature version filesize imgsize hash_algo sign_algo
hash_crc16 header_crc16 unk1
my @values = unpack("a3CVVVVSSC",$$buf);
map { $self->{header}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
if ($self->{header}{signature} ne "_EC") {
log::add("failed signature");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{version} != 1) {
log::add("failed version");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{filesize} != $self->{filesize}) {
log::add("failed header filesize");
return undef;
if (!defined($known->{$self->{filesize}})) {
log::add("not in known sizes");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{imgsize}+$header_size+$trailer_size == $self->{filesize}) {
# there is an additional block of 0x100 appended to the FL2, outside
# of the header defined IMG file
# - I expect this is the digital signature
} elsif ($self->{header}{imgsize}+$header_size == $self->{filesize}) {
# the additional block still looks like it is there, but they have
# changed the accounting to count it in the IMG - these files are also
# significantly larger in size
} else {
log::add("unexpected filesize/imgsize results");
return undef;
# - is that a csum? how to generate it and check it?
$self->{flag}{encrypted} = $known->{$self->{filesize}};
$self->set_offset_size($header_size, $self->{header}{imgsize});
return $self->_check_copyright();
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
# Note, no insert() will work until we know how to generate the checksum
#sub insert {
# my $self = shift;
# my $imgfile = shift;
# my $write = $self->_insert($imgfile);
# Calculate checksum
# write checksum to header
package FL1::PFH_header;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL1 files that have a "$PFH" prefix header near their end
# Seen in at least the l530 firmware updates
# Thanks for skochinsky for the details:
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _find_pfh {
my $self = shift;
my $offset = 0;
while ($offset < $self->{filesize}) {
my $buf = $self->get_block($offset, 4);
return undef if (!defined($buf));
$buf = $$buf;
if ($buf eq '$PFH') {
log::add("found PFH header signature at offset=0x%x", $offset);
return $offset;
log::add("no PFH found");
return undef; # not found
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# List of known file sizes (basically a doublecheck on the signature)
my $known = {
4681808 => 1, # l440
9437264 => 1, # l430
12587008 => 1,
my $capsule_offset_hack = $self->{capsule_offset_hack} || 0;
my $header_offset = $self->_find_pfh();
return undef if (!defined($header_offset));
my $header_size = 4+4+4+2+4+2+4+4;
my $buf = $self->get_block($header_offset, $header_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
if (!defined($known->{$self->{filesize}})) {
log::add("not in known sizes");
my @fields = qw(
signature version headersize headerchecksum
totalimagesize totalimagechecksum
numberofimages imagetableoffset
my @values = unpack("a4VVvVvVV",$$buf);
map { $self->{header}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
if ($self->{header}{signature} ne '$PFH') {
log::add("failed signature");
return undef;
if ($self->{header}{version} ne 0x10002) {
log::add("failed version");
return undef;
# now load the partition table
$buf = $self->get_block(
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
$buf = $$buf;
while ($buf) {
my $dir = {};
@fields = qw(FileOffset Size FlashAddress NameOffset _rest);
@values = unpack("VVQVa*",$buf);
map { $dir->{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
$buf = $dir->{_rest};
delete $dir->{_rest};
my $buf2 = $self->get_block(
32 # TODO - just a guess at the max name size
if (!defined($buf2)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my $name = unpack("Z*",$$buf2);
$dir->{Name} = $name;
push @{$self->{header}{dir}}, $dir;
if ($name eq 'Ec') {
return $self;
log::add("no subsection found with name 'Ec'");
return undef;
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
sub insert {
# - there is a "totalimagechecksum" field
# (which we probably should be updating
return shift->_insert(shift);
package EFI::Capsule::PFH_header;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Adjust the usual PFH loader to cope with an offset
# (presumably caused by the Capsule wrappers)
use base qw(FL1::PFH_header);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
$self->{capsule_offset_hack} = 0x1d0;
# This is probably:
# header1_size + header2_size + ?
# 0x50 + 0x168 + 0x18
# = $self->{header1}{HeaderSize} + $self->{header2}{HeaderLength};
return $self->SUPER::_check();
package EFI::Capsule::UNK_header;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Some FL1 files appear to have an unknown header after the EFI headers
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
my $header3_offset
= $self->{header1}{HeaderSize} + $self->{header2}{HeaderLength};
my $header3_length = 0x30;
my $buf = $self->get_block($header3_offset, $header3_length);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
# d95fe99c196ee7409a8febad7f78e0c5
my $maybe_uuid = "\xd9\x5f\xe9\x9c\x19\x6e\xe7\x40\x9a\x8f\xeb\xad\x7f\x78\xe0\xc5";
my @fields = qw(
my @values = unpack("a16a8a16VV",$$buf);
map { $self->{header3}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
if ($self->{header3}{maybe_uuid} ne $maybe_uuid) {
log::add("failed header3 maybe_uuid");
return undef;
# FIXME: This is just a guess
my $ec_size = 0x20000;
$header3_offset + $header3_length + $self->{header3}{maybe_offset},
return $self;
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
# no insert() will work until we know how to generate the checksums
package EFI::Capsule;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Look for FL1 files that have a known EFI capsule prefix
use base qw(FL2::base);
sub _check {
my $self = shift;
# bd86663b760d3040b70eb5519e2fc5a0
my $capsule_uuid = "\xbd\x86\x66\x3b\x76\x0d\x30\x40\xb7\x0e\xb5\x51\x9e\x2f\xc5\xa0";
my $buf = $self->get_block(0,16);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
$buf = $$buf;
if ($buf ne $capsule_uuid) {
log::add("no capsule_uuid");
return undef;
$buf = $self->get_block(0x10, 4);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my $header1_size = unpack("V", $$buf);
$buf = $self->get_block(0, $header1_size);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
my @fields = qw(
HeaderSize Flags CapsuleImageSize SequenceNumber InstanceId
my @values = unpack("a16VVVVa16",$$buf);
map { $self->{header1}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
if ($self->{header1}{CapsuleImageSize} != $self->{filesize}) {
log::add("failed header1 filesize");
return undef;
# d954937a68044a4481ce0bf617d890df
my $firmware_uuid = "\xd9\x54\x93\x7a\x68\x04\x4a\x44\x81\xce\x0b\xf6\x17\xd8\x90\xdf";
$buf = $self->get_block($header1_size, 0x38);
if (!defined($buf)) {
log::add("bad get_block");
return undef;
@fields = qw(
ZeroVector FileSystemGuid FvLength Signature
Attributes HeaderLength Checksum
@values = unpack("a16a16Q<a4Vvva3c",$$buf);
map { $self->{header2}{$fields[$_]} = $values[$_] } (0..scalar(@fields)-1);
#if ($self->{header2}{ZeroVector} ne '\x00'x16) {
# log::add("failed header2 zerovector");
# return undef;
if ($self->{header2}{FileSystemGuid} ne $firmware_uuid) {
log::add("failed header2 FileSystemGuid");
return undef;
if ($self->{header2}{FvLength} != ($self->{filesize}-$header1_size)) {
log::add("failed header1 filesize");
return undef;
if ($self->{header2}{Signature} ne '_FVH') {
log::add("failed header2 Signature");
return undef;
# - check Checksum
# "A 16-bit checksum of the firmware volume header. A valid header sums to zero"
if ($self->{header2}{Revision} == 1) {
# So far, the only revision 1 headers seen have also had a PFH header
# (with an annoying offset)
bless $self, 'EFI::Capsule::PFH_header';
return $self->_check();
if ($self->{header2}{Revision} == 2) {
# l440 has this
bless $self, 'EFI::Capsule::UNK_header';
return $self->_check();
return undef;
sub extract {
return shift->_extract(shift);
# no insert() will work until we know how to generate the checksums
# - 8muj19us.iso has yet another format:
# It is all 0xff until 0x500000, however it then looks like it has a header.
# There is certainly not the normal copyright string, and the EC version
# string is in entirely the wrong place
# 00500000 45 43 20 49 4d 41 47 45 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |EC IMAGE0.......|
# 00500010 d0 08 38 4d 48 54 37 39 57 57 00 00 00 20 02 00 |..8MHT79WW... ..|
# 00500020 00 00 00 00 31 36 01 00 00 00 00 00 0d b3 9e 00 |....16..........|
package main;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
use IO::File;
# Call each of the detectors in turn to try to find the location of the IMG
sub detect_img {
my $fl2name = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new($fl2name, "r+");
if (!defined($fh)) {
warn("Could not open $fl2name: $!");
return undef;
my $object;
# These checks have a good signature detection
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL2::prefix_head_EC->new($fh);
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = EFI::Capsule->new($fh);
# These checks always do a file search
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL1::PFH_header->new($fh);
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL2::prefix_head_NAPI->new($fh);
# these checks have very little in the way of signatures, so only
# check for them after everything else
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL2::prefix_ff->new($fh);
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL2::prefix_garbage->new($fh);
if (!defined($object)) {
$object = FL2::prefix_nothing->new($fh);
return $object;
sub main() {
# get args
my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
if (!defined($cmd)) {
die("Need command");
my $fl2file = shift @ARGV;
if (!defined($fl2file)) {
die("Need FL2 filename");
my $imgfile = shift @ARGV;
if ($cmd ne 'check' && !defined($imgfile)) {
die("Need IMG filename");
# validity check args
if ($cmd ne "from_fl2" && $cmd ne "to_fl2" && $cmd ne "check") {
die("direction must be one of 'from_fl2' or 'to_fl2'");
my $verbose = shift @ARGV;
if (defined($verbose) && $verbose eq 'verbose') {
$verbose = 1;
} else {
$verbose = 0;
if ( ! -e $fl2file ) {
die("FL2 file $fl2file must exist");
my $object = detect_img($fl2file);
if (!defined($object)) {
printf("Could not determine IMG details for %s\n", $fl2file);
if ($verbose) {
printf("IMG at offset 0x%x size 0x%x (%s %s)\n",
if ($verbose) {
if ($cmd eq 'from_fl2') {
if (!$object->can('extract')) {
die("FL2 container type cannot extract");
return $object->extract($imgfile);
if ($cmd eq 'to_fl2') {
if (!$object->can('insert')) {
die("FL2 container type cannot insert");
return $object->insert($imgfile);
unless(caller) {