Hamish Coleman 2fdb758f6b BUG: repeated failing makes could generate bad output.
This is a quick fix to address two issues:

* Firstly, if the mec-tools mec_encrypt binary cannot be compiled,
gcc still produces an output file - it is a non executable "precompiled
header" file.  I assume there is a bug in the mec-tools makefile
logic, which I will look for later.

* Secondly, because I am using stdout for file generation, many commands
will still produce an output file even when they fail.  This output file
then looks "good" to the make command, which will carry on to do the
next step.

Since fixing the failed commands in my Makefile makes things more robust
in general, it also avoids the compile issue with the mec-tools.
2016-05-26 17:10:52 +10:00

239 lines
7.3 KiB

# Infrastructure to manage patching thinkpad EC firmware
# Copyright (C) 2016 Hamish Coleman
all: list_laptops
$(info See README file for additional details)
$(info )
.PHONY: all
$(info )
$(info The following make targets are the supported usb images:)
$(info )
$(info patched.t430.img - for patching Thinkpad T430)
$(info patched.t430s.img - for patching Thinkpad T430s)
$(info patched.t530.img - for patching Thinkpad T530)
$(info patched.t530i.img - for patching Thinkpad T530i)
$(info patched.w530.img - for patching Thinkpad W430)
$(info patched.x230.img - for patching Thinkpad X230)
$(info patched.x230t.img - for patching Thinkpad X230t)
$(info )
.PHONY: list_laptops
# manually managed list of laptops - update this if the BIOS versions change
patched.t430.iso: g1uj38us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.t430s.iso: g7uj18us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.t530.iso: g4uj30us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.t530i.iso: g4uj30us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.w530.iso: g5uj28us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.x230.iso: g2uj23us.iso
mv $< $@
patched.x230t.iso: gcuj24us.iso
mv $< $@
$(info )
$(info The following make targets are available to produce patched and)
$(info bootable ISO images:)
$(info )
@for i in *.desc; do echo `basename $$i .orig.desc` - for patching `cat $$i`; done
.PHONY: list_iso
# FIXME - need to automatically generate the iso image target list
$(info The following make targets are available to produce firmware images:)
$(info )
$(info $(basename $(wildcard *.d)))
$(info )
$(info The following make targets are available to produce FL2 files:)
$(info )
$(info $(foreach i,$(basename $(basename $(wildcard *.d))),$(basename $(wildcard $(i).*.FL2.slice))))
$(info )
.PHONY: list_images
# All the bios update iso images I have checked have had a fat16 filesystem
# embedded in a dos mbr image as the el-torito ISO payload. They also all
# had the same offset to this fat filesystem, so hardcode that offset here.
FAT_OFFSET := 71680
# Radare didnt seem to let me specify the directory to store the project file,
# so this target hacks around that
mkdir -p ~/.config/radare2/projects/x220.8DHT34WW.d
cp -fs $(PWD)/radare/x220.8DHT34WW ~/.config/radare2/projects
mkdir -p ~/.config/radare2/projects/x230.G2HT35WW.d
cp -fs $(PWD)/radare/x230.G2HT35WW ~/.config/radare2/projects
mkdir -p ~/.config/radare2/projects/x260.R02HT29W.d/
cp -fs $(PWD)/radare/x260.R02HT29W ~/.config/radare2/projects
$(shell mkdir -p $(DEPSDIR))
-include $(DEPSDIR)/slice.extract.deps
$(DEPSDIR)/slice.extract.deps: Makefile
for i in *.slice; do read SLICEE other <$$i; echo $$i: $$SLICEE; done >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
-include $(DEPSDIR)/slice.insert.deps
$(DEPSDIR)/slice.insert.deps: Makefile
for i in *.slice; do read SLICEE other <$$i; echo `basename $$SLICEE .orig`: $$i `basename $$i .slice`; done >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
# FIXME - the slice.deps targets basically do not handle add/del/change of
# the *.slice files. I dont use any of the regular tricks because I also
# dont want to download every .iso file as a result of depending on the %.slice
# file - and I dont want to work around that with makefile magic as that would
# defeat the purpose of keeping the makefile simple
# Download any ISO image that we have a checksum for
# NOTE: makes an assumption about the Lenovo URL not changing
%.iso.orig: %.iso.orig.sha1
wget -O $@$(basename $@)
sha1sum -c $<
touch $@
# Generate all the orig images so that we can diff against them later
# a the generic binary extractor
%.orig: %.slice slice.extract
./slice.extract $< $@
%.img.orig: %.img.enc.orig %.img.orig.sha1 mec-tools/mec_encrypt
mec-tools/mec_encrypt -d $< >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
sha1sum -c $@.sha1
# a generic encryptor
%.img.enc: %.img xx30.encrypt
./xx30.encrypt $< $@
# - if we ever get generic extraction or encryption for more than
# just the Xx30 series, these generic rules will need to be reworked
# keep intermediate files
.PRECIOUS: %.orig
.PRECIOUS: %.img
.PRECIOUS: %.img.orig
# Generate a working file with any known patches applied
%.img: %.img.orig
cp --reflink=auto $< $@
./ $@ $@.d/*.patch
# using both __DIR and __FL2 is a hack to get around needing to quote the
# DOS path separator. It feels like there should be a beter way if I put
# my mind to it..
%.iso.bat: %.iso.orig %.iso.orig.desc autoexec.bat.template
sed -e "s%__DIR%`mdir -/ -b -i $<@@$(FAT_OFFSET) |grep FL2 |cut -d/ -f3`%; s%__FL2%`mdir -/ -b -i $<@@$(FAT_OFFSET) |grep FL2 |cut -d/ -f4`%; s%__DESC%`cat $<.desc`%" autoexec.bat.template >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
# helper to write the ISO onto a cdrw
%.iso.blank_burn: %.iso
wodim -eject -v speed=40 -tao gracetime=0 blank=fast $<
# if you want to work on more patches, you probably want the pre-patched ver
%.img.prepatch: %.img.orig
cp --reflink=auto $< $(basename $<)
%.hex: %
hd -v $< >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
# Generate a patch report
%.diff: %.hex %.orig.hex
-diff -u $(basename $@).orig.hex $(basename $@).hex >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
cat $@
# If we ever want a copy of the dosflash.exe, just get it from the iso image
%.dosflash.exe.orig: %.iso.orig
## Use the system provided geteltorito script, if there is one
#GETELTORITO := $(shell if type geteltorito >/dev/null; then echo geteltorito; else echo ./geteltorito; fi)
# use the included geteltorito script always, since we know it does not have
# the hdd size bug
GETELTORITO := ./geteltorito
# extract the DOS boot image from an iso (and fix it up so qemu can boot it)
%.img: %.iso
$(GETELTORITO) -o $@ $<
./ $@ fix-hdd-image.patch
# simple testing of images in an emulator
%.iso.test: %.iso
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cdrom $<
%.img.test: %.img
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -hda $<
git submodule update --init --remote
mec-tools/mec_encrypt: mec-tools/Makefile
make -C mec-tools
# using function calls to build rules with actions is kind of a hack,
# which is why these are all on oneline.
# $1 = encoded EC firmware
# $2 = FL2 filename
define rule_fl2
$(2): $(1) ; ./slice.insert $(1).slice $(1) $(2)
# $1 = FL2 filename
# $2 = ISO image
define rule_iso
$(2): $(1) $(2).bat ; ./slice.insert $(1).slice $(1) $(2) && MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1 mcopy -o -i $(2)@@$(FAT_OFFSET) $(2).bat ::AUTOEXEC.BAT
# - add a simple method to autogenerate these non-generic rules
# - once that is done, convert the defines back to action bodies, not
# rule definitions
# Hacky, non generic rules
$(call rule_fl2,t430.G1HT35WW.img.enc,t430.G1HT35WW.s01D2000.FL2)
$(call rule_fl2,t430s.G7HT39WW.img.enc,t430s.G7HT39WW.s01D8000.FL2)
$(call rule_fl2,t530.G4HT39WW.img.enc,t530.G4HT39WW.s01D5100.FL2)
$(call rule_fl2,w530.G4HT39WW.img.enc,w530.G4HT39WW.s01D5200.FL2)
$(call rule_fl2,x230.G2HT35WW.img.enc,x230.G2HT35WW.s01D3000.FL2)
$(call rule_fl2,x230t.GCHT25WW.img.enc,x230t.GCHT25WW.s01DA000.FL2)
$(call rule_iso,t430.G1HT35WW.s01D2000.FL2,g1uj38us.iso)
$(call rule_iso,x230.G2HT35WW.s01D3000.FL2,g2uj23us.iso)
$(call rule_iso,t530.G4HT39WW.s01D5100.FL2,g4uj30us.iso)
$(call rule_iso,w530.G4HT39WW.s01D5200.FL2,g5uj28us.iso)
$(call rule_iso,t430s.G7HT39WW.s01D8000.FL2,g7uj18us.iso)
$(call rule_iso,x230t.GCHT25WW.s01DA000.FL2,gcuj24us.iso)