This repository also contains number of tools and utilities for examining and modifying Thinkpad Embedded Controller firmware. Including: * radare projects with partial disassembly of several thinkpads EC firmware * scripts for downloading the ISO image and extracting the firmware * script for patching the firmware * documentation on the tables found in the firmware (TODO) Radare: ------- To use the radare projects, first install the project files: make install.radare.projects Then ensure you have the image file(s): make x220.8DHT34WW.img x230.G2HT35WW.img x260.R02HT29W.img Then start radare with one of these projects: radare -p x230.G2HT35WW Makefile targets for patching: ------------------------------ If you expect to do development work, the following make targets are probably useful: To list the available raw image files and FL2 files, check the Descriptions.txt file for the list of known image names. You can also get a list of the "*.img.d" directories that contain patches with this make command: make list_images To fetch the firmware from Lenovo, extract, decrypt and patch it, ready for more patching: make x230.G2HT35WW.img To just get the decrypted firmware file (with the same filename as above), before any patches applied: make x230.G2HT35WW.img.prepatch To create a new FL2, ready for flashing: make x230.G2HT35WW.s01D3000.FL2 To update your firmware, copy the FL2 file generated above and the dosflash.exe utility to a DOS boot disk and then use a command similar to: dosflash /sd /ipf ec /file s01D3000.FL2 To insert the firmware image back into the bootable cdrom and boot this in an emulator for testing: make patched.x230.iso.test To extract the DOS disk image from the ISO and test that in the emulator instead: make patched.x230.img.test Extracting the ISO images: -------------------------- While examining a new ISO image, it is often useful to extract its entire contents. Due to the way these images are constructed, it is not straight forward to get the data out. The Lenovo ISO image is a iso9660 filesystem image with /no/ files in it! There is a El-Torrito standard boot descriptor in this image, and it defines a hard drive image for booting. This hard drive image is a DOS MBR partitioned disk, with one partition. The partition is a FAT16 filesystem, containing the actual files used in the BIOS update. To access the FAT16 filesystem, the byte offset of the filesystem is calculated (via a process of unwrapping and decoding each layers described above). So far, every ISO image file from Lenovo that has been checked has used the same offset, so this has been hardcoded in the Makefile as the "FAT_OFFSET" variable. To extract the files for examination, a make target is available which can be used on any *.iso.orig or *.iso file. e.g: make g2uj25us.iso.orig.extract make patched.x230.iso.extract In the case where a file needs to be modified inside the image, it is highly recommended to use the mtools "mcopy" utility to copy files back into the image - this is the safest method and does not require any elevated priviledges or run the risks of mounting foreign filesystems. If you find you do need to directly mount the filesystem, the following command can be used as a starting point: sudo mount -o loop,offset=$FAT_OFFSET $ISOFILE $MNTPNT References: -----------