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// By Si Ping Lim ( )
// For Shader Studio Course
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define TWO_PI 6.28318530718
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
// Reference to
float drawRectAbs (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, vec2 size) {
//vec2 t = vec2 (size.x , size.y);
vec2 r = abs( pixel.xy - center.xy - size.xy / 2. );
float sX = step(size.x/2., r.x );
float sY = step(size.y/2., r.y );
float s = max( sX, sY ) ;
return s;
float drawRectOutlineAbs (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, vec2 size, float thickness) {
float s = drawRectAbs(pixel, center, size);
s += (1. - drawRectAbs(pixel , center + thickness, size - (thickness * 2.) ));
// s = step(.4, s) * step( s, .3);
return s;
float drawPoly (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float size, int sides) {
pixel /= u_resolution.xy;
center /= u_resolution.xy;
pixel -= center;
pixel.x *= u_resolution.x/u_resolution.y;
size /= u_resolution.y;
// Angle and radius from the current pixel
vec2 pos = pixel ;
float a = atan(pos.x,pos.y)+PI ;
float r = TWO_PI/float( sides) ;
// Shaping function that modulate the distance
float d = cos(floor(.5 + a/r) * r - a ) * length(pixel );
return 1.0 - smoothstep(size, size +.005, d) ;
float drawPolyOutline (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float size, int sides, float thickness) {
pixel /= u_resolution.xy;
center /= u_resolution.xy;
pixel -= center;
pixel.x *= u_resolution.x/u_resolution.y;
size /= u_resolution.y;
thickness /= u_resolution.y;
// Angle and radius from the current pixel
vec2 pos = pixel ;
float a = atan(pos.x,pos.y)+PI ;
float r = TWO_PI/float( sides) ;
// Shaping function that modulate the distance
float d = cos(floor(.5 + a/r) * r - a ) * length(pixel );
return (smoothstep(size- thickness -.005, size-thickness, d) - smoothstep(size, size +.005, d) ) ;
float drawCirclePixelOutline (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius, float thickness) {
float dist = length(center - pixel) ;
thickness /= radius;
float antiAlias = 2./radius;
dist = smoothstep (1. -thickness - antiAlias, 1.- thickness , dist / (radius)) - smoothstep ( 1.,1. + antiAlias, dist / (radius)) ;
return dist;
float drawCircleRings (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius, int count) {
float spacing = 0.02;
float dist = length(center - pixel) ;
float antiAlias = 2./radius;
float thickness = 1./float(count) -spacing;
float t = 0.;
for(int i=0;i<count;++i)
//result += uLightsPos[i];
float myThickness = thickness * fract (abs ( sin(u_time*2. + float(i)/6. ) * (cos(u_time/4.)) ) );
float sI = max (thickness * float(i) , 0. ) + (spacing* float(i) );
t += smoothstep ( sI - antiAlias, sI , dist / (radius)) - smoothstep ( sI+myThickness, sI+ myThickness + antiAlias, dist / (radius)) ;
return t;
void main(){
vec3 color1 = vec3(1., 0.3, 0.5);
vec3 color = vec3 (0.);
float pct3 = drawCircleRings(gl_FragCoord.xy, u_resolution.xy/2., 250. , 20);
color = vec3 ( color1*pct3);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);