## Vec3 3 dimentional floating point vector ### Declaration ```glsl vec3 aVec3 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); vec3 bVec3 = vec3(1.0); vec3 cVec3 = vec3(aVec4); vec3 dVec3 = vec3(aVec4.x, aVec4.y, aVec4.z); vec3 eVec3 = vec3(aVec2, aFloat); vec3 fVec3 = vec3(aVec2.x, aVec2.y, aFloat); ``` ### Description ```bvec3``` is a floating point vectors with three components. Can be initialize by: - Providing a scalar value for each component. - Providing one scalar value. This value is used for all components. - Providing a vector of higher dimension. The respective values are used to initialize the components. - Providing a combination of vectors and/or scalars. The respective values are used to initialize the vector. The arguments of the constructor must have at least as many components as the vector that is initialized. ### See Also [bool](index.html#bool.md), [int](index.html#int.md), [float](index.html#float.md), [bvec2](index.html#bvec2.md), [bvec3](index.html#bvec3.md), [bvec4](index.html#bvec4.md), [ivec2](index.html#ivec2.md), [ivec3](index.html#ivec3.md), [ivec4](index.html#ivec4.md), [vec2](index.html#vec2.md), [vec3](index.html#vec3.md), [vec4](index.html#vec4.md), [mat2](index.html#mat2.md), [mat3](index.html#mat3.md), [mat4](index.html#mat4.md)