## MatrixCompMult Perform a component-wise multiplication of two matrices ### Các phiên bản ```glsl mat2 matrixCompMult(mat2 x, mat2 y) mat3 matrixCompMult(mat3 x, mat3 y) mat4 matrixCompMult(mat4 x, mat4 y) ``` ### Các tham số ```x``` specifies the first matrix multiplicand. ```y``` specifies the second matrix multiplicand. ### Mô tả ```matrixCompMult()``` performs a component-wise multiplication of two matrices, yielding a result matrix where each component, ```result[i][j]``` is computed as the scalar product of ```x[i][j]``` and ```y[i][j]```. ### Tham khảo thêm [Chapter 08: Matrix](../08/)