## Min Return the lesser of two values ### Declaration ```glsl float min(float x, float y) vec2 min(vec2 x, vec2 y) vec3 min(vec3 x, vec3 y) vec4 min(vec4 x, vec4 y) vec2 min(vec2 x, float y) vec3 min(vec3 x, float y) vec4 min(vec4 x, float y) ``` ### Parameters ```x``` specify the first value to compare. ```y``` pecify the second value to compare. ### Description ```min()``` returns the minimum of the two parameters. It returns ```y``` if ```y``` is less than ```x```, otherwise it returns ```x```.
### See Also [max](/glossary/?search=max), [abs](/glossary/?search=abs), [clamp](/glossary/?search=clamp), [Chapter 05: Shaping Functions](/05/)