
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo 9 years ago
parent 91aad75ff3
commit 5505bdc177

@ -55,17 +55,15 @@ This is a gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of
* Environmental-maps (spherical and cube)
* Reflect and refract
## More
* [Glossary](glossary/)
* [Examples Gallery](examples/)
* [Appendix:](appendix/) Other ways to use this book
* [How can I navigate this book offline?](appendix/)
* [How to run the examples on a RaspberryPi?](appendix/)
* [How to print this book?](appendix/)
* [Examples Gallery](examples/)
* [Glossary](glossary/)
## About the Author
[Patricio Gonzalez Vivo](http://patriciogonzalezvivo.com/) (1982, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a New York based artist and developer. He explores interstitial spaces between organic and synthetic, analog and digital, individual and collective. In his work he uses code as an expressive language with the intention of developing a better together.
@ -84,4 +82,6 @@ Thanks [Karim Naaji](http://karim.naaji.fr/) for contributing with support, good
Thanks to everyone who has believed in this project and contributed with fixes or donations.
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