Break time! We have been playing with all this random functions that looks like TV white noise, our head is still spinning around thinking on shaders, and our eyes are tired. Time to get out side and walk!
We feel the air in our face, the sun in our nose and chicks. The world is such a vivid and rich places. Colors, textures, sounds. While we walk we can avoid notice the surface of the roads, rocks, trees and clouds. Suddenly all seams random. But definitely not the type of random we were making. The real world is such a rich place. How we can approximate to this level of variety computationally?
We are on the same path of thoughts that Ken Perlin's walk through on 1982 when he was commissioned with the job of generating "more realistic" textures for a new disney movie call "Tron". In response to that he came up with an elegant *oscar winner* noise algorithm.
The following is not the Perlin noise algorithm, but is a good starting point to start getting out head around the idea of how to generate *noise* o *smooth random*.
Look the following graph, is in essence what we where doing on line 36 and 37 on the last example of the previus chapter. We are computing the ```rand()``` of the integers of `x` (the `i` variable).
At this point we have learn that we can do better than a linear interpolation. Right? By uncommenting the following line, we will use the native ```smoothstep()``` to make a *smooth* transition between the previous random values.
Now that we understand how noise is made in one demotion, is time to port it to two dimensions. Check how on the following code the interpolation (line 29) is made between the for corners of a square (lines 22-25).
* Now that you achieve some control over noise & chaos, is time to mix it with previous knowledge. Making a composition of rectangles, colors and noise that resemble some of the complexity of the texture of the following painting made by [Mark Rothko](
As we saw, noise was designed to give a natural *je ne sais quoi* to digital textures, and could be use to make convincing generative textures. Lets refresh some of the previous knowledge and then jump forward learning how to mix all the knowledge we have learn so far.
Revealing line 63 you can see how we can alternate this pattern in a "natural-like" way, to then finally, uncommenting line 66 we can stretch the noise pattern in *y* axis.
* What other generative pattern can you make? What about granite? marble? magma? water?
* What about noise apply to motion? Go back to the Matrix chapter and use the translation example that move a the "+" around to apply some *random* and *noise* movements to it.
Noise is one of those subjects that you can dig and always find new exciting formulas. In fact, noise means different things for different people. Musicians will think in audio noise, communicators into interference, and astrophysics on cosmic microwave background. On the next chapter we will use some related concepts from sign and audio behavior to our noise function to explore more uses of noise.