1. Start by going to [github's repository at ```github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/thebookofshaders```](https://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/thebookofshaders). Take a look at the files and folders inside it. You will note that the content is in the ```README.md``` and other files with capital letters like: ```TITLE.md```, ```SUMMARY.md```, etc. Also note that translations are hosted in files with names ending in two letters referencing the language they are for, ex.: ```README-jp.md```, ```README-es.md```, etc.
3. Duplicate the content of the files want to translate. Remember to add to the two letters that makes reference to the language you are translating to the files you will work on.
Then in your browser search for ```localhost:8000``` go to the chapter you are translating and add ```?lan=``` followed by the two letters you used to mark the language you are translating to.
For example, if you are translating the chapter ```03``` to french you had been working with the file ```03/README-fr.md``` and you can test it by going to: ```http://localhost:8000/03/?lan=fr```
This section is under development. We are happy to listen to your ideas on how to make it a friendly tool for all. Send us a message to [@bookofshaders](https://twitter.com/bookofshaders).
Once you code something that makes you proud, click the "Export" (or the ```⇪``` icon) and then copy the "URL to code...". Send it to [@bookofshaders](https://twitter.com/bookofshaders) or [@kyndinfo](https://twitter.com/kyndinfo). We are looking forward to see it and add it to [the example gallery section](https://thebookofshaders.com/examples/).