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### Scott
* After reading 17 I understand that there is some relationship between shader language and C, but Im not sure what it is. Can you tell us explicitly? Is GLSL (shader language) C? Is GLSL a subset of C?
* In point #5 you explain preprocessor macros, but you dont explain why you used one here. You probably dont want to go off topic just yet, but I would appreciate a sidebar or brief comment explaining why you are including special handling for GL_ES. (My mind goes: Interesting, but why is mobile OpenGL different from non-mobile?)
* Point #6: I hope later in the book you will show us an example of how changing float precision affects things visually. (I sense its important, but dont see how yet, and I recognize it is too soon to address it here.)
* Point #7: I had to read this two times to get that you meant including the period (.) is casting. I havent used C, so I didnt understand that. I am used to Processing/Java-style casting, like:
(float) 1 == 1.0
* I figured out that vec4() is a vector with 4 values, but perhaps you could make that explicit somewhere.