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9 years ago
// By Si Ping Lim ( )
// For Shader Studio Course
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
//shaping function from wk 2 assignment
float plot2( float pct){
float t = (abs( sin( (pct +0.666) / 0.125 ) * 0.449 / 1.144 ) * 0.647 * 0.921 + ((fract( pct ) * 0.845)));
return t;
float drawCirclePixel (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius) {
float dist = length(center - pixel) ;
dist = smoothstep (1.,0.97, dist / (radius));
return dist;
vec3 drawComp1 (vec2 pixel) {
vec3 color1 = vec3(1., 0.3, 0.5);
vec3 color2 = vec3(0., 0.3, 1.);
float pulse = sin(u_time);
float pulse2 = plot2(u_time/ 10.);
float circ1 = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (80.,60.) , 60. - (30.*pulse) );
float circ2 = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (u_mouse.xy) , 40. + (80.* pulse2));
vec3 color = vec3(circ1)*color1 + vec3(circ2)* color2;
return color;
vec3 drawComp2 (vec2 pixel) {
vec3 color1 = vec3(1., 0.3, 0.5);
vec3 color2 = vec3(0., 0.3, 1.);
float pulse = sin(u_time);
float circ1 = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (250.,250.) , 60. + (30.*pulse) );
float circ1Mask = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (250.,250.) , 48. +(30.*pulse));
float circ2 = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (u_mouse.xy) , 80. );
float circ2Mask = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (u_mouse.xy) , 68. );
float circ3 = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (160.,270.) , 80. );
float circ3Mask = drawCirclePixel(pixel.xy , vec2 (160.,270.) , 68. );
vec3 color = vec3 (clamp( circ1 + circ2 + circ3, 0., 1. ) - clamp ( circ1Mask + circ2Mask + circ3Mask, 0.,1.) );
return color * color1;
void main(){
vec3 color = drawComp2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
gl_FragColor = vec4( color, 1.0 );