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## Texture2D
Retrieves texels from a texture
### Các phiên bản
vec4 textureCube(samplerCube sampler, vec3 coord)
vec4 textureCube(samplerCube sampler, vec3 coord, float bias)
### Các tham số
```sampler``` specifies the sampler to which the texture from which texels will be retrieved is bound.
```coord``` specifies the texture coordinates at which texture will be sampled.
```bias``` specifies an optional bias to be applied during level-of-detail computation.
### Mô tả
The textureCube function returns a texel, i.e. the (color) value of the texture for the given coordinates. The function has one input parameter of the type samplerCube and one input parameter of the type vec3 : sampler, the uniform the texture is bound to, and coord, the 3-dimensional coordinates of the texel to look up.
There is an optional third input parameter of the type float: bias. After calculating the appropriate level of detail for a texture with mipmaps the bias is added before the actual texture lookup operation is executed.
Side note: On iOS devices texture lookup functionality is only available in the fragment shader.
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