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9 years ago
// By Si Ping Lim ( )
// For Shader Studio Course
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
uniform float u_time;
mat2 rotationMatrix( float angle)
return mat2( cos( angle ), -sin( angle ),
sin( angle ), cos( angle ));
float drawGear (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius , float teethHeight ) {
vec2 pos = (center-pixel) ;
float r = length( pos ) * 1.;
float a = atan(pos.y , pos.x) ;
float noOfPoints = 9. ;
float f = smoothstep(-.5, 1., cos(a * noOfPoints ))* teethHeight + radius - teethHeight;
float color = 1.-smoothstep(f, f+2., r) ;
return color;
float drawGearOutline (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius , float teethHeight) {
vec2 pos = (center-pixel) ;
float r = length( pos ) * 1.;
float a = atan(pos.y , pos.x) + u_time ;
float noOfPoints = 9. ;
float f = smoothstep(-.5, 1., cos(a * noOfPoints ))* (teethHeight) + radius-teethHeight;
float color = smoothstep(f+2., f, r) - smoothstep(f, f-2., r) ;
return color;
float drawCirclePixelDot(vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius){
vec2 l = pixel-center;
return smoothstep(1., 0.95, dot(l/radius,l/radius) );
float drawHollowGear (vec2 pixel, vec2 center, float radius , float teethHeight, float hollowWidth) {
float t = drawGear ( pixel, center, radius , teethHeight);
float c = drawCirclePixelDot ( pixel, center, hollowWidth);
return t-c;
//included rect function to draw a rext to make sure size of gear is correct
vec3 drawRect (vec2 pixel, float x, float y, float width, float height) {
vec4 thickness = vec4(x,y, u_resolution.x - x - width, u_resolution.y - y - height);
vec4 coors = vec4( pixel.x, pixel.y, u_resolution.x-pixel.x, u_resolution.y-pixel.y);
vec4 returnV = step ( thickness, coors ) ;
returnV = clamp(returnV, 0., 1.);
return vec3( returnV.x * returnV.y * returnV.z * returnV.w);
void main(){
vec3 color1 = vec3(1., 0.3, 0.5);
vec3 color2 = vec3(0., 0.3, 1.);
vec3 color3 = vec3(0.8, 0.3, 1.);
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
vec2 gear1Position = vec2(350., 200.);
vec2 rotatedPoint = (gl_FragCoord.xy - gear1Position) * rotationMatrix(u_time*-1.);
rotatedPoint += gear1Position;
float gear = drawGear(rotatedPoint, gear1Position , 100., 20. );
vec2 gear2Position = vec2(170., 135.);
vec2 rotatedPoint2 = (gl_FragCoord.xy - gear2Position) * rotationMatrix(u_time);
rotatedPoint2 += gear2Position;
float hollowGear = drawHollowGear(rotatedPoint2, gear2Position , 100., 20., 70. );
float gearOutline = drawGearOutline(gl_FragCoord.xy, vec2(150., 400.) , 50., 20.);
vec3 rect = drawRect (gl_FragCoord.xy, 150., 400., 50., 50.);
color = color1*vec3(gear) + color2* vec3(gearOutline) ;
color += color3 * hollowGear;
// debug rect to make sure gear's size matches
// color += color3 * rect;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);