You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
6.5 KiB

// Package telebot is a framework for Telegram bots.
// Example:
// package main
// import (
// "time"
// tele ""
// )
// func main() {
// b, err := tele.NewBot(tele.Settings{
// Token: "...",
// Poller: &tele.LongPoller{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
// })
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// b.Handle(tele.OnText, func(c tele.Context) error {
// return c.Send("Hello world!")
// })
// b.Start()
// }
package telebot
import ""
var (
ErrBadRecipient = errors.New("telebot: recipient is nil")
ErrUnsupportedWhat = errors.New("telebot: unsupported what argument")
ErrCouldNotUpdate = errors.New("telebot: could not fetch new updates")
ErrTrueResult = errors.New("telebot: result is True")
ErrBadContext = errors.New("telebot: context does not contain message")
const DefaultApiURL = ""
// These are one of the possible events Handle() can deal with.
// For convenience, all Telebot-provided endpoints start with
// an "alert" character \a.
const (
// Basic message handlers.
OnText = "\atext"
OnEdited = "\aedited"
OnPhoto = "\aphoto"
OnAudio = "\aaudio"
OnAnimation = "\aanimation"
OnDocument = "\adocument"
OnSticker = "\asticker"
OnVideo = "\avideo"
OnVoice = "\avoice"
OnVideoNote = "\avideo_note"
OnContact = "\acontact"
OnLocation = "\alocation"
OnVenue = "\avenue"
OnDice = "\adice"
OnInvoice = "\ainvoice"
OnPayment = "\apayment"
OnGame = "\agame"
OnPoll = "\apoll"
OnPollAnswer = "\apoll_answer"
OnPinned = "\apinned"
// Will fire on channel posts.
OnChannelPost = "\achannel_post"
OnEditedChannelPost = "\aedited_channel_post"
// Will fire when bot is added to a group.
OnAddedToGroup = "\aadded_to_group"
// Service events:
OnUserJoined = "\auser_joined"
OnUserLeft = "\auser_left"
OnNewGroupTitle = "\anew_chat_title"
OnNewGroupPhoto = "\anew_chat_photo"
OnGroupPhotoDeleted = "\achat_photo_deleted"
OnGroupCreated = "\agroup_created"
OnSuperGroupCreated = "\asupergroup_created"
OnChannelCreated = "\achannel_created"
// Migration happens when group switches to
// a supergroup. You might want to update
// your internal references to this chat
// upon switching as its ID will change.
OnMigration = "\amigration"
// Will fire on any unhandled media.
OnMedia = "\amedia"
// Will fire on callback requests.
OnCallback = "\acallback"
// Will fire on incoming inline queries.
OnQuery = "\aquery"
// Will fire on chosen inline results.
OnInlineResult = "\ainline_result"
// Will fire on a shipping query.
OnShipping = "\ashipping_query"
// Will fire on pre checkout query.
OnCheckout = "\apre_checkout_query"
// Will fire on bot's chat member changes.
OnMyChatMember = "\amy_chat_member"
// Will fire on chat member's changes.
OnChatMember = "\achat_member"
// Will fire on chat join request.
OnChatJoinRequest = "\achat_join_request"
// Will fire on the start of a voice chat.
OnVoiceChatStarted = "\avoice_chat_started"
// Will fire on the end of a voice chat.
OnVoiceChatEnded = "\avoice_chat_ended"
// Will fire on invited participants to the voice chat.
OnVoiceChatParticipants = "\avoice_chat_participants_invited"
// Will fire on scheduling a voice chat.
OnVoiceChatScheduled = "\avoice_chat_scheduled"
// Will fire on a proximity alert.
OnProximityAlert = "\aproximity_alert_triggered"
// Will fire on auto delete timer set.
OnAutoDeleteTimer = "\amessage_auto_delete_timer_changed"
// ChatAction is a client-side status indicating bot activity.
type ChatAction string
const (
Typing ChatAction = "typing"
UploadingPhoto ChatAction = "upload_photo"
UploadingVideo ChatAction = "upload_video"
UploadingAudio ChatAction = "upload_audio"
UploadingDocument ChatAction = "upload_document"
UploadingVNote ChatAction = "upload_video_note"
RecordingVideo ChatAction = "record_video"
RecordingAudio ChatAction = "record_audio"
RecordingVNote ChatAction = "record_video_note"
FindingLocation ChatAction = "find_location"
ChoosingSticker ChatAction = "choose_sticker"
// ParseMode determines the way client applications treat the text of the message
type ParseMode = string
const (
ModeDefault ParseMode = ""
ModeMarkdown ParseMode = "Markdown"
ModeMarkdownV2 ParseMode = "MarkdownV2"
ModeHTML ParseMode = "HTML"
// EntityType is a MessageEntity type.
type EntityType string
const (
EntityMention EntityType = "mention"
EntityTMention EntityType = "text_mention"
EntityHashtag EntityType = "hashtag"
EntityCashtag EntityType = "cashtag"
EntityCommand EntityType = "bot_command"
EntityURL EntityType = "url"
EntityEmail EntityType = "email"
EntityPhone EntityType = "phone_number"
EntityBold EntityType = "bold"
EntityItalic EntityType = "italic"
EntityUnderline EntityType = "underline"
EntityStrikethrough EntityType = "strikethrough"
EntityCode EntityType = "code"
EntityCodeBlock EntityType = "pre"
EntityTextLink EntityType = "text_link"
// ChatType represents one of the possible chat types.
type ChatType string
const (
ChatPrivate ChatType = "private"
ChatGroup ChatType = "group"
ChatSuperGroup ChatType = "supergroup"
ChatChannel ChatType = "channel"
ChatChannelPrivate ChatType = "privatechannel"
// MemberStatus is one's chat status.
type MemberStatus string
const (
Creator MemberStatus = "creator"
Administrator MemberStatus = "administrator"
Member MemberStatus = "member"
Restricted MemberStatus = "restricted"
Left MemberStatus = "left"
Kicked MemberStatus = "kicked"
// MaskFeature defines sticker mask position.
type MaskFeature string
const (
FeatureForehead MaskFeature = "forehead"
FeatureEyes MaskFeature = "eyes"
FeatureMouth MaskFeature = "mouth"
FeatureChin MaskFeature = "chin"
// PollType defines poll types.
type PollType string
const (
// Despite "any" type isn't described in documentation,
// it needed for proper KeyboardButtonPollType marshaling.
PollAny PollType = "any"
PollQuiz PollType = "quiz"
PollRegular PollType = "regular"
type DiceType string
var (
Cube = &Dice{Type: "🎲"}
Dart = &Dice{Type: "🎯"}
Ball = &Dice{Type: "🏀"}
Goal = &Dice{Type: "⚽"}
Slot = &Dice{Type: "🎰"}
Bowl = &Dice{Type: "🎳"}