You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
2.7 KiB

package layout
import (
tele ""
func TestLayout(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("TOKEN", "TEST")
lt, err := New("example.yml")
if err != nil {
pref := lt.Settings()
assert.Equal(t, "TEST", pref.Token)
assert.Equal(t, "html", pref.ParseMode)
assert.Equal(t, &tele.LongPoller{}, pref.Poller)
assert.ElementsMatch(t, []tele.Command{{
Text: "start",
Description: "Start the bot",
}, {
Text: "help",
Description: "How to use the bot",
}}, lt.Commands())
assert.Equal(t, "string", lt.String("str"))
assert.Equal(t, 123, lt.Int("num"))
assert.Equal(t, int64(123), lt.Int64("num"))
assert.Equal(t, float64(123), lt.Float("num"))
assert.Equal(t, tele.ChatID(123), lt.ChatID("num"))
assert.Equal(t, []string{"abc", "def"}, lt.Strings("strs"))
assert.Equal(t, []int{123, 456}, lt.Ints("nums"))
assert.Equal(t, []int64{123, 456}, lt.Int64s("nums"))
assert.Equal(t, []float64{123, 456}, lt.Floats("nums"))
obj := lt.Get("obj")
assert.NotNil(t, obj)
const dur = 10 * time.Minute
assert.Equal(t, dur, obj.Duration("dur"))
assert.True(t, lt.Duration("obj.dur") == obj.Duration("dur"))
arr := lt.Slice("arr")
assert.Len(t, arr, 2)
for _, v := range arr {
assert.Equal(t, dur, v.Duration("dur"))
assert.Equal(t, &tele.Btn{
Unique: "pay",
Text: "Pay",
Data: "1|100.00|USD",
}, lt.ButtonLocale("en", "pay", struct {
UserID int
Amount string
Currency string
UserID: 1,
Amount: "100.00",
Currency: "USD",
assert.Equal(t, &tele.ReplyMarkup{
ReplyKeyboard: [][]tele.ReplyButton{
{{Text: "Help"}},
{{Text: "Settings"}},
ResizeKeyboard: true,
}, lt.MarkupLocale("en", "reply_shortened"))
assert.Equal(t, &tele.ReplyMarkup{
ReplyKeyboard: [][]tele.ReplyButton{{{Text: "Send a contact", Contact: true}}},
ResizeKeyboard: true,
OneTimeKeyboard: true,
}, lt.MarkupLocale("en", "reply_extended"))
assert.Equal(t, &tele.ReplyMarkup{
InlineKeyboard: [][]tele.InlineButton{{{Unique: "stop", Text: "Stop", Data: "1"}}},
}, lt.MarkupLocale("en", "inline", 1))
assert.Equal(t, &tele.ArticleResult{
ResultBase: tele.ResultBase{
ID: "1853",
Type: "article",
Title: "Some title",
Description: "Some description",
Text: "The text of the article",
ThumbURL: "https://preview.picture",
}, lt.ResultLocale("en", "article", struct {
ID int
Title string
Description string
Content string
PreviewURL string
ID: 1853,
Title: "Some title",
Description: "Some description",
Content: "The text of the article",
PreviewURL: "https://preview.picture",