package telebot import ( "fmt" "strings" ) type APIError struct { Code int Description string Message string Parameters map[string]interface{} } type FloodError struct { *APIError RetryAfter int } // ʔ returns description of error. // A tiny shortcut to make code clearer. func (err *APIError) ʔ() string { return err.Description } // Error implements error interface. func (err *APIError) Error() string { msg := err.Message if msg == "" { split := strings.Split(err.Description, ": ") if len(split) == 2 { msg = split[1] } else { msg = err.Description } } return fmt.Sprintf("telegram: %s (%d)", msg, err.Code) } // NewAPIError returns new APIError instance with given description. // First element of msgs is Description. The second is optional Message. func NewAPIError(code int, msgs ...string) *APIError { err := &APIError{Code: code} if len(msgs) >= 1 { err.Description = msgs[0] } if len(msgs) >= 2 { err.Message = msgs[1] } return err } var ( // General errors ErrUnauthorized = NewAPIError(401, "Unauthorized") ErrNotStartedByUser = NewAPIError(403, "Forbidden: bot can't initiate conversation with a user") ErrBlockedByUser = NewAPIError(401, "Forbidden: bot was blocked by the user") ErrUserIsDeactivated = NewAPIError(401, "Forbidden: user is deactivated") ErrNotFound = NewAPIError(404, "Not Found") ErrInternal = NewAPIError(500, "Internal Server Error") // Bad request errors ErrTooLarge = NewAPIError(400, "Request Entity Too Large") ErrMessageTooLong = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message is too long") ErrToForwardNotFound = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message to forward not found") ErrToReplyNotFound = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: reply message not found") ErrToDeleteNotFound = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message to delete not found") ErrEmptyMessage = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message must be non-empty") ErrEmptyText = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: text is empty") ErrEmptyChatID = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: chat_id is empty") ErrChatNotFound = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: chat not found") ErrMessageNotModified = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message is not modified") ErrSameMessageContent = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message is not modified: specified new message content and reply markup are exactly the same as a current content and reply markup of the message") ErrCantEditMessage = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message can't be edited") ErrButtonDataInvalid = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: BUTTON_DATA_INVALID") ErrWrongTypeOfContent = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong type of the web page content") ErrBadURLContent = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: failed to get HTTP URL content") ErrWrongFileID = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong file identifier/HTTP URL specified") ErrWrongFileIDSymbol = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong remote file id specified: can't unserialize it. Wrong last symbol") ErrWrongFileIDLength = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong remote file id specified: Wrong string length") ErrWrongFileIDCharacter = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong remote file id specified: Wrong character in the string") ErrWrongFileIDPadding = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: wrong remote file id specified: Wrong padding in the string") ErrFailedImageProcess = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED", "Image process failed") ErrInvalidStickerSet = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: STICKERSET_INVALID", "Stickerset is invalid") ErrBadPollOptions = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: expected an Array of String as options") ErrGroupMigrated = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: group chat was upgraded to a supergroup chat") // No rights errors ErrNoRightsToRestrict = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to restrict/unrestrict chat member") ErrNoRightsToSend = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: have no rights to send a message") ErrNoRightsToSendPhoto = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to send photos to the chat") ErrNoRightsToSendStickers = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: not enough rights to send stickers to the chat") ErrNoRightsToSendGifs = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN", "sending GIFS is not allowed in this chat") ErrNoRightsToDelete = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: message can't be deleted") ErrKickingChatOwner = NewAPIError(400, "Bad Request: can't remove chat owner") // Super/groups errors ErrBotKickedFromGroup = NewAPIError(403, "Forbidden: bot was kicked from the group chat") ErrBotKickedFromSuperGroup = NewAPIError(403, "Forbidden: bot was kicked from the supergroup chat") ) // ErrByDescription returns APIError instance by given description. func ErrByDescription(s string) error { switch s { case ErrUnauthorized.ʔ(): return ErrUnauthorized case ErrNotStartedByUser.ʔ(): return ErrNotStartedByUser case ErrNotFound.ʔ(): return ErrNotFound case ErrUserIsDeactivated.ʔ(): return ErrUserIsDeactivated case ErrToForwardNotFound.ʔ(): return ErrToForwardNotFound case ErrToReplyNotFound.ʔ(): return ErrToReplyNotFound case ErrMessageTooLong.ʔ(): return ErrMessageTooLong case ErrBlockedByUser.ʔ(): return ErrBlockedByUser case ErrToDeleteNotFound.ʔ(): return ErrToDeleteNotFound case ErrEmptyMessage.ʔ(): return ErrEmptyMessage case ErrEmptyText.ʔ(): return ErrEmptyText case ErrEmptyChatID.ʔ(): return ErrEmptyChatID case ErrChatNotFound.ʔ(): return ErrChatNotFound case ErrMessageNotModified.ʔ(): return ErrMessageNotModified case ErrSameMessageContent.ʔ(): return ErrSameMessageContent case ErrCantEditMessage.ʔ(): return ErrCantEditMessage case ErrButtonDataInvalid.ʔ(): return ErrButtonDataInvalid case ErrBadPollOptions.ʔ(): return ErrBadPollOptions case ErrNoRightsToRestrict.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToRestrict case ErrNoRightsToSend.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToSend case ErrNoRightsToSendPhoto.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToSendPhoto case ErrNoRightsToSendStickers.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToSendStickers case ErrNoRightsToSendGifs.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToSendGifs case ErrNoRightsToDelete.ʔ(): return ErrNoRightsToDelete case ErrKickingChatOwner.ʔ(): return ErrKickingChatOwner case ErrBotKickedFromGroup.ʔ(): return ErrKickingChatOwner case ErrBotKickedFromSuperGroup.ʔ(): return ErrBotKickedFromSuperGroup case ErrWrongTypeOfContent.ʔ(): return ErrWrongTypeOfContent case ErrBadURLContent.ʔ(): return ErrBadURLContent case ErrWrongFileIDSymbol.ʔ(): return ErrWrongFileIDSymbol case ErrWrongFileIDLength.ʔ(): return ErrWrongFileIDLength case ErrWrongFileIDCharacter.ʔ(): return ErrWrongFileIDCharacter case ErrWrongFileID.ʔ(): return ErrWrongFileID case ErrTooLarge.ʔ(): return ErrTooLarge case ErrWrongFileIDPadding.ʔ(): return ErrWrongFileIDPadding case ErrFailedImageProcess.ʔ(): return ErrFailedImageProcess case ErrInvalidStickerSet.ʔ(): return ErrInvalidStickerSet case ErrGroupMigrated.ʔ(): return ErrGroupMigrated default: return nil } }