package telebot import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" ) // A WebhookTLS specifies the path to a key and a cert so the poller can open // a TLS listener. type WebhookTLS struct { Key string `json:"key"` Cert string `json:"cert"` } // A WebhookEndpoint describes the endpoint to which telegram will send its requests. // This must be a public URL and can be a loadbalancer or something similar. If the // endpoint uses TLS and the certificate is self-signed you have to add the certificate // path of this certificate so telegram will trust it. This field can be ignored if you // have a trusted certificate (letsencrypt, ...). type WebhookEndpoint struct { PublicURL string `json:"public_url"` Cert string `json:"cert"` } // A Webhook configures the poller for webhooks. It opens a port on the given // listen address. If TLS is filled, the listener will use the key and cert to open // a secure port. Otherwise it will use plain HTTP. // // If you have a loadbalancer ore other infrastructure in front of your service, you // must fill the Endpoint structure so this poller will send this data to telegram. If // you leave these values empty, your local address will be sent to telegram which is mostly // not what you want (at least while developing). If you have a single instance of your // bot you should consider to use the LongPoller instead of a WebHook. // // You can also leave the Listen field empty. In this case it is up to the caller to // add the Webhook to a http-mux. // type Webhook struct { Listen string `json:"url"` MaxConnections int `json:"max_connections"` AllowedUpdates []string `json:"allowed_updates"` IP string `json:"ip_address"` DropUpdates bool `json:"drop_pending_updates"` // (WebhookInfo) HasCustomCert bool `json:"has_custom_certificate"` PendingUpdates int `json:"pending_update_count"` ErrorUnixtime int64 `json:"last_error_date"` ErrorMessage string `json:"last_error_message"` TLS *WebhookTLS Endpoint *WebhookEndpoint dest chan<- Update bot *Bot } func (h *Webhook) getFiles() map[string]File { m := make(map[string]File) if h.TLS != nil { m["certificate"] = FromDisk(h.TLS.Cert) } // check if it is overwritten by an endpoint if h.Endpoint != nil { if h.Endpoint.Cert == "" { // this can be the case if there is a loadbalancer or reverseproxy in // front with a public cert. in this case we do not need to upload it // to telegram. we delete the certificate from the map, because someone // can have an internal TLS listener with a private cert delete(m, "certificate") } else { // someone configured a certificate m["certificate"] = FromDisk(h.Endpoint.Cert) } } return m } func (h *Webhook) getParams() map[string]string { params := make(map[string]string) if h.MaxConnections != 0 { params["max_connections"] = strconv.Itoa(h.MaxConnections) } if len(h.AllowedUpdates) > 0 { data, _ := json.Marshal(h.AllowedUpdates) params["allowed_updates"] = string(data) } if h.IP != "" { params["ip_address"] = h.IP } if h.DropUpdates { params["drop_pending_updates"] = strconv.FormatBool(h.DropUpdates) } if h.TLS != nil { params["url"] = "https://" + h.Listen } else { // this will not work with telegram, they want TLS // but i allow this because telegram will send an error // when you register this hook. in their docs they write // that port 80/http is allowed ... params["url"] = "http://" + h.Listen } if h.Endpoint != nil { params["url"] = h.Endpoint.PublicURL } return params } func (h *Webhook) Poll(b *Bot, dest chan Update, stop chan struct{}) { if err := b.SetWebhook(h); err != nil { b.debug(err) close(stop) return } // store the variables so the HTTP-handler can use 'em h.dest = dest = b if h.Listen == "" { h.waitForStop(stop) return } s := &http.Server{ Addr: h.Listen, Handler: h, } go func(stop chan struct{}) { h.waitForStop(stop) s.Shutdown(context.Background()) }(stop) if h.TLS != nil { s.ListenAndServeTLS(h.TLS.Cert, h.TLS.Key) } else { s.ListenAndServe() } } func (h *Webhook) waitForStop(stop chan struct{}) { <-stop close(stop) } // The handler simply reads the update from the body of the requests // and writes them to the update channel. func (h *Webhook) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var update Update if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&update); err != nil {"cannot decode update: %v", err)) return } h.dest <- update } // Webhook returns the current webhook status. func (b *Bot) Webhook() (*Webhook, error) { data, err := b.Raw("getWebhookInfo", nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } var resp struct { Result Webhook } if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil { return nil, wrapError(err) } return &resp.Result, nil } // SetWebhook configures a bot to receive incoming // updates via an outgoing webhook. func (b *Bot) SetWebhook(w *Webhook) error { _, err := b.sendFiles("setWebhook", w.getFiles(), w.getParams()) return err } // RemoveWebhook removes webhook integration. func (b *Bot) RemoveWebhook(dropPending ...bool) error { drop := false if len(dropPending) > 0 { drop = dropPending[0] } _, err := b.Raw("deleteWebhook", map[string]bool{ "drop_pending_updates": drop, }) return err }