You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

773 lines
25 KiB

package telebot
import (
// Message object represents a message.
type Message struct {
ID int `json:"message_id"`
// (Optional) Unique identifier of a message thread to which the message belongs; for supergroups only
ThreadID int `json:"message_thread_id"`
// For message sent to channels, Sender will be nil
Sender *User `json:"from"`
// Unixtime, use Message.Time() to get time.Time
Unixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// Conversation the message belongs to.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Sender of the message, sent on behalf of a chat.
SenderChat *Chat `json:"sender_chat"`
// For forwarded messages, sender of the original message.
OriginalSender *User `json:"forward_from"`
// For forwarded messages, chat of the original message when
// forwarded from a channel.
OriginalChat *Chat `json:"forward_from_chat"`
// For forwarded messages, identifier of the original message
// when forwarded from a channel.
OriginalMessageID int `json:"forward_from_message_id"`
// For forwarded messages, signature of the post author.
OriginalSignature string `json:"forward_signature"`
// For forwarded messages, sender's name from users who
// disallow adding a link to their account.
OriginalSenderName string `json:"forward_sender_name"`
// For forwarded messages, unixtime of the original message.
OriginalUnixtime int `json:"forward_date"`
// For information about the original message for forwarded messages.
Origin *MessageOrigin `json:"forward_origin"`
// Message is a channel post that was automatically forwarded to the connected discussion group.
AutomaticForward bool `json:"is_automatic_forward"`
// For replies, ReplyTo represents the original message.
// Note that the Message object in this field will not
// contain further ReplyTo fields even if it
// itself is a reply.
ReplyTo *Message `json:"reply_to_message"`
// (Optional) For replies to a story, the original story
Story *Story `json:"story"`
// (Optional) Information about the message that is being replied to,
// which may come from another chat or forum topic.
ExternalReplyInfo *ExternalReplyInfo `json:"external_reply"`
// (Optional) For replies that quote part of the original message,
// the quoted part of the message.
Quote *TextQuote `json:"quote"`
// Shows through which bot the message was sent.
Via *User `json:"via_bot"`
// For replies to a story, the original story.
ReplyToStory *Story `json:"reply_to_story"`
// (Optional) Time of last edit in Unix.
LastEdit int64 `json:"edit_date"`
// (Optional) True, if the message is sent to a forum topic.
TopicMessage bool `json:"is_topic_message"`
// (Optional) Message can't be forwarded.
Protected bool `json:"has_protected_content,omitempty"`
// AlbumID is the unique identifier of a media message group
// this message belongs to.
AlbumID string `json:"media_group_id"`
// Author signature (in channels).
Signature string `json:"author_signature"`
// For a text message, the actual UTF-8 text of the message.
Text string `json:"text"`
// For registered commands, will contain the string payload:
// Ex: `/command <payload>` or `/command@botname <payload>`
Payload string `json:"-"`
// For text messages, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands,
// etc. that appear in the text.
Entities Entities `json:"entities,omitempty"`
7 months ago
// (Optional) ReactionOptions used for link preview generation for the message,
// if it is a text message and link preview options were changed
PreviewOptions PreviewOptions `json:"link_preview_options,omitempty"`
// Some messages containing media, may as well have a caption.
Caption string `json:"caption,omitempty"`
// For messages with a caption, special entities like usernames, URLs,
// bot commands, etc. that appear in the caption.
CaptionEntities Entities `json:"caption_entities,omitempty"`
// For an audio recording, information about it.
Audio *Audio `json:"audio"`
// For a general file, information about it.
Document *Document `json:"document"`
// For a photo, all available sizes (thumbnails).
Photo *Photo `json:"photo"`
// For a sticker, information about it.
Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"`
// For a voice message, information about it.
Voice *Voice `json:"voice"`
// For a video note, information about it.
VideoNote *VideoNote `json:"video_note"`
// For a video, information about it.
Video *Video `json:"video"`
// For a animation, information about it.
Animation *Animation `json:"animation"`
// For a contact, contact information itself.
Contact *Contact `json:"contact"`
// For a location, its longitude and latitude.
Location *Location `json:"location"`
// For a venue, information about it.
Venue *Venue `json:"venue"`
// For a poll, information the native poll.
Poll *Poll `json:"poll"`
// For a game, information about it.
Game *Game `json:"game"`
// For a dice, information about it.
Dice *Dice `json:"dice"`
// (Optional) The message is a scheduled giveaway message.
Giveaway *Giveaway `json:"giveaway"`
// (Optional) A giveaway with public winners was completed.
GiveawayWinners *GiveawayWinners `json:"giveaway_winners"`
// (Optional) Service message: a scheduled giveaway was created.
GiveawayCreated *GiveawayCreated `json:"giveaway_created"`
// (Optional) Service message: a giveaway without public winners was completed.
GiveawayCompleted *GiveawayCompleted `json:"giveaway_completed"`
// For a service message, represents a user,
// that just got added to chat, this message came from.
// Sender leads to User, capable of invite.
// UserJoined might be the Bot itself.
UserJoined *User `json:"new_chat_member"`
// For a service message, represents a user,
// that just left chat, this message came from.
// If user was kicked, Sender leads to a User,
// capable of this kick.
// UserLeft might be the Bot itself.
UserLeft *User `json:"left_chat_member"`
// For a service message, represents a new title
// for chat this message came from.
// Sender would lead to a User, capable of change.
NewGroupTitle string `json:"new_chat_title"`
// For a service message, represents all available
// thumbnails of the new chat photo.
// Sender would lead to a User, capable of change.
NewGroupPhoto *Photo `json:"new_chat_photo"`
// For a service message, new members that were added to
// the group or supergroup and information about them
// (the bot itself may be one of these members).
UsersJoined []User `json:"new_chat_members"`
// For a service message, true if chat photo just
// got removed.
// Sender would lead to a User, capable of change.
GroupPhotoDeleted bool `json:"delete_chat_photo"`
// For a service message, true if group has been created.
// You would receive such a message if you are one of
// initial group chat members.
// Sender would lead to creator of the chat.
GroupCreated bool `json:"group_chat_created"`
// For a service message, true if supergroup has been created.
// You would receive such a message if you are one of
// initial group chat members.
// Sender would lead to creator of the chat.
SuperGroupCreated bool `json:"supergroup_chat_created"`
// For a service message, true if channel has been created.
// You would receive such a message if you are one of
// initial channel administrators.
// Sender would lead to creator of the chat.
ChannelCreated bool `json:"channel_chat_created"`
// For a service message, the destination (supergroup) you
// migrated to.
// You would receive such a message when your chat has migrated
// to a supergroup.
// Sender would lead to creator of the migration.
MigrateTo int64 `json:"migrate_to_chat_id"`
// For a service message, the Origin (normal group) you migrated
// from.
// You would receive such a message when your chat has migrated
// to a supergroup.
// Sender would lead to creator of the migration.
MigrateFrom int64 `json:"migrate_from_chat_id"`
// Specified message was pinned. Note that the Message object
// in this field will not contain further ReplyTo fields even
// if it is itself a reply.
PinnedMessage *InaccessibleMessage `json:"pinned_message"`
// Message is an invoice for a payment.
Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
// Message is a service message about a successful payment.
Payment *Payment `json:"successful_payment"`
// For a service message, a user was shared with the bot.
UserShared *RecipientShared `json:"users_shared,omitempty"`
// For a service message, a chat was shared with the bot.
ChatShared *RecipientShared `json:"chat_shared,omitempty"`
// The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.
ConnectedWebsite string `json:"connected_website,omitempty"`
// For a service message, a video chat started in the chat.
VideoChatStarted *VideoChatStarted `json:"video_chat_started,omitempty"`
// For a service message, a video chat ended in the chat.
VideoChatEnded *VideoChatEnded `json:"video_chat_ended,omitempty"`
// For a service message, some users were invited in the video chat.
VideoChatParticipants *VideoChatParticipants `json:"video_chat_participants_invited,omitempty"`
// For a service message, a video chat schedule in the chat.
VideoChatScheduled *VideoChatScheduled `json:"video_chat_scheduled,omitempty"`
// For a data sent by a Web App.
WebAppData *WebAppData `json:"web_app_data,omitempty"`
// For a service message, represents the content of a service message,
// sent whenever a user in the chat triggers a proximity alert set by another user.
ProximityAlert *ProximityAlert `json:"proximity_alert_triggered,omitempty"`
// For a service message, represents about a change in auto-delete timer settings.
AutoDeleteTimer *AutoDeleteTimer `json:"message_auto_delete_timer_changed,omitempty"`
// Inline keyboard attached to the message.
ReplyMarkup *ReplyMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"`
// Service message: user boosted the chat.
BoostAdded *BoostAdded `json:"boost_added"`
// If the sender of the message boosted the chat, the number of boosts
// added by the user.
SenderBoostCount int `json:"sender_boost_count"`
// Service message: forum topic created
TopicCreated *Topic `json:"forum_topic_created,omitempty"`
// Service message: forum topic closed
TopicClosed *struct{} `json:"forum_topic_closed,omitempty"`
// Service message: forum topic reopened
TopicReopened *Topic `json:"forum_topic_reopened,omitempty"`
// Service message: forum topic deleted
TopicEdited *Topic `json:"forum_topic_edited,omitempty"`
// Service message: general forum topic hidden
GeneralTopicHidden *struct{} `json:"general_topic_hidden,omitempty"`
// Service message: general forum topic unhidden
GeneralTopicUnhidden *struct{} `json:"general_topic_unhidden,omitempty"`
// Service message: represents spoiler information about the message.
HasMediaSpoiler bool `json:"has_media_spoiler,omitempty"`
// Service message: the user allowed the bot added to the attachment menu to write messages
WriteAccessAllowed *WriteAccessAllowed `json:"write_access_allowed,omitempty"`
// MessageEntity object represents "special" parts of text messages,
// including hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
type MessageEntity struct {
// Specifies entity type.
Type EntityType `json:"type"`
// Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity.
Offset int `json:"offset"`
// Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units.
Length int `json:"length"`
// (Optional) For EntityTextLink entity type only.
// URL will be opened after user taps on the text.
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
// (Optional) For EntityTMention entity type only.
User *User `json:"user,omitempty"`
// (Optional) For EntityCodeBlock entity type only.
Language string `json:"language,omitempty"`
// (Optional) For EntityCustomEmoji entity type only.
CustomEmoji string `json:"custom_emoji_id"`
// EntityType is a MessageEntity type.
type EntityType string
const (
EntityMention EntityType = "mention"
EntityTMention EntityType = "text_mention"
EntityHashtag EntityType = "hashtag"
EntityCashtag EntityType = "cashtag"
EntityCommand EntityType = "bot_command"
EntityURL EntityType = "url"
EntityEmail EntityType = "email"
EntityPhone EntityType = "phone_number"
EntityBold EntityType = "bold"
EntityItalic EntityType = "italic"
EntityUnderline EntityType = "underline"
EntityStrikethrough EntityType = "strikethrough"
EntityCode EntityType = "code"
EntityCodeBlock EntityType = "pre"
EntityTextLink EntityType = "text_link"
EntitySpoiler EntityType = "spoiler"
EntityCustomEmoji EntityType = "custom_emoji"
EntityBlockquote EntityType = "blockquote"
// Entities is used to set message's text entities as a send option.
type Entities []MessageEntity
// ProximityAlert sent whenever a user in the chat triggers
// a proximity alert set by another user.
type ProximityAlert struct {
Traveler *User `json:"traveler,omitempty"`
Watcher *User `json:"watcher,omitempty"`
Distance int `json:"distance"`
// AutoDeleteTimer represents a service message about a change in auto-delete timer settings.
type AutoDeleteTimer struct {
Unixtime int `json:"message_auto_delete_time"`
// MessageSig satisfies Editable interface (see Editable.)
func (m *Message) MessageSig() (string, int64) {
return strconv.Itoa(m.ID), m.Chat.ID
// Time returns the moment of message creation in local time.
func (m *Message) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(m.Unixtime, 0)
// LastEdited returns time.Time of last edit.
func (m *Message) LastEdited() time.Time {
return time.Unix(m.LastEdit, 0)
// IsForwarded says whether message is forwarded copy of another
// message or not.
func (m *Message) IsForwarded() bool {
return m.OriginalSender != nil || m.OriginalChat != nil
// IsReply says whether message is a reply to another message.
func (m *Message) IsReply() bool {
return m.ReplyTo != nil
// Private returns true, if it's a personal message.
func (m *Message) Private() bool {
return m.Chat.Type == ChatPrivate
// FromGroup returns true, if message came from a group OR a supergroup.
func (m *Message) FromGroup() bool {
return m.Chat.Type == ChatGroup || m.Chat.Type == ChatSuperGroup
// FromChannel returns true, if message came from a channel.
func (m *Message) FromChannel() bool {
return m.Chat.Type == ChatChannel
// IsService returns true, if message is a service message,
// returns false otherwise.
// Service messages are automatically sent messages, which
// typically occur on some global action. For instance, when
// anyone leaves the chat or chat title changes.
func (m *Message) IsService() bool {
fact := false
fact = fact || m.UserJoined != nil
fact = fact || len(m.UsersJoined) > 0
fact = fact || m.UserLeft != nil
fact = fact || m.NewGroupTitle != ""
fact = fact || m.NewGroupPhoto != nil
fact = fact || m.GroupPhotoDeleted
fact = fact || m.GroupCreated || m.SuperGroupCreated
fact = fact || (m.MigrateTo != m.MigrateFrom)
return fact
// EntityText returns the substring of the message identified by the
// given MessageEntity.
// It's safer than manually slicing Text because Telegram uses
// UTF-16 indices whereas Go string are []byte.
func (m *Message) EntityText(e MessageEntity) string {
text := m.Text
if text == "" {
text = m.Caption
a := utf16.Encode([]rune(text))
off, end := e.Offset, e.Offset+e.Length
if off < 0 || end > len(a) {
return ""
return string(utf16.Decode(a[off:end]))
// Media returns the message's media if it contains either photo,
// voice, audio, animation, sticker, document, video or video note.
func (m *Message) Media() Media {
switch {
case m.Photo != nil:
return m.Photo
case m.Voice != nil:
return m.Voice
case m.Audio != nil:
return m.Audio
case m.Animation != nil:
return m.Animation
case m.Sticker != nil:
return m.Sticker
case m.Document != nil:
return m.Document
case m.Video != nil:
return m.Video
case m.VideoNote != nil:
return m.VideoNote
return nil
// InaccessibleMessage describes a message that was deleted or is otherwise
// inaccessible to the bot. An instance of MaybeInaccessibleMessage object.
type InaccessibleMessage struct {
// A message that can be inaccessible to the bot.
// Chat the message belonged to.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Unique message identifier inside the chat.
MessageID int `json:"message_id"`
// Always 0. The field can be used to differentiate regular and
// inaccessible messages.
DateUnixtime int64 `json:"date"`
func (im *InaccessibleMessage) MessageSig() (string, int64) {
return strconv.Itoa(im.MessageID), im.Chat.ID
func (im *InaccessibleMessage) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(im.DateUnixtime, 0)
// MessageReaction object represents a change of a reaction on a message performed by a user.
type MessageReaction struct {
// The chat containing the message the user reacted to.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Unique identifier of the message inside the chat.
MessageID int `json:"message_id"`
// (Optional) The user that changed the reaction,
// if the user isn't anonymous
User *User `json:"user"`
// (Optional) The chat on behalf of which the reaction was changed,
// if the user is anonymous.
ActorChat *Chat `json:"actor_chat"`
// Date of the change in Unix time.
DateUnixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// Previous list of reaction types that were set by the user.
7 months ago
OldReaction []Reaction `json:"old_reaction"`
// New list of reaction types that have been set by the user.
7 months ago
NewReaction []Reaction `json:"new_reaction"`
func (mu *MessageReaction) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(mu.DateUnixtime, 0)
// MessageReactionCount represents reaction changes on a message with
// anonymous reactions.
type MessageReactionCount struct {
// The chat containing the message.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Unique message identifier inside the chat.
MessageID int `json:"message_id"`
// Date of the change in Unix time.
DateUnixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// List of reactions that are present on the message.
7 months ago
Reactions *ReactionCount `json:"reactions"`
// Time returns the moment of change in local time.
func (mc *MessageReactionCount) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(mc.DateUnixtime, 0)
// TextQuote contains information about the quoted part of a message that is
// replied to by the given message.
type TextQuote struct {
// Text of the quoted part of a message that is replied to by the given message.
Text string `json:"text"`
// (Optional) Special entities that appear in the quote.
// Currently, only bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, spoiler,
// and custom_emoji entities are kept in quotes.
Entities []MessageEntity `json:"entities"`
// Approximate quote position in the original message in UTF-16 code units
// as specified by the sender.
Position int `json:"position"`
// (Optional) True, if the quote was chosen manually by the message sender.
// Otherwise, the quote was added automatically by the server.
Manual bool `json:"is_manual"`
// MessageOrigin a message reference that has been sent originally by a known user.
type MessageOrigin struct {
// Type of the message origin, always “channel”.
Type string `json:"type"`
// Date the message was sent originally in Unix time.
DateUnixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// User that sent the message originally.
Sender *User `json:"sender_user,omitempty"`
// Name of the user that sent the message originally.
SenderUsername string `json:"sender_user_name,omitempty"`
// Chat that sent the message originally.
SenderChat *Chat `json:"sender_chat,omitempty"`
// Channel chat to which the message was originally sent.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat,omitempty"`
// Unique message identifier inside the chat.
MessageID int `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
// (Optional) For messages originally sent by an anonymous chat administrator,
// original message author signature.
Signature string `json:"author_signature,omitempty"`
// Time returns the moment of message that was sent originally in local time.
func (mo *MessageOrigin) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(mo.DateUnixtime, 0)
// ExternalReplyInfo contains information about a message that is being replied to,
// which may come from another chat or forum topic.
type ExternalReplyInfo struct {
// Origin of the message replied to by the given message.
Origin *MessageOrigin `json:"origin"`
// (Optional) Chat the original message belongs to.
// Available only if the chat is a supergroup or a channel.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// (Optional) Unique message identifier inside the original chat.
// Available only if the original chat is a supergroup or a channel.
MessageID int `json:"message_id"`
7 months ago
// (Optional) ReactionOptions used for link preview generation for the original message,
// if it is a text message.
PreviewOptions *PreviewOptions `json:"link_preview_options"`
// (Optional) Message is an animation, information about the animation.
Animation *Animation `json:"animation"`
// (Optional) Message is an audio file, information about the file.
Audio *Audio `json:"audio"`
// (Optional) Message is a general file, information about the file.
Document *Document `json:"document"`
// (Optional) Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo.
Photo []Photo `json:"photo"`
// (Optional) Message is a sticker, information about the sticker.
Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"`
// (Optional) Message is a forwarded story.
Story *Story `json:"story"`
// (Optional) Message is a video, information about the video.
Video *Video `json:"video"`
// (Optional) Message is a video note, information about the video message.
Note *VideoNote `json:"video_note"`
// (Optional) Message is a voice message, information about the file.
Voice *Voice `json:"voice"`
// (Optional) True, if the message media is covered by a spoiler animation.
HasMediaSpoiler bool `json:"has_media_spoiler"`
// (Optional) Message is a shared contact, information about the contact.
Contact *Contact `json:"contact"`
// (Optional) Message is a dice with random value.
Dice *Dice `json:"dice"`
//( Optional) Message is a game, information about the game.
Game *Game `json:"game"`
// (Optional) Message is a venue, information about the venue.
Venue *Venue `json:"venue"`
// (Optional) Message is a native poll, information about the poll.
Poll *Poll `json:"poll"`
// (Optional) Message is a shared location, information about the location.
Location *Location `json:"location"`
// (Optional) Message is an invoice for a payment, information about the invoice.
Invoice *Invoice `json:"invoice"`
// (Optional) Message is a scheduled giveaway, information about the giveaway.
Giveaway *Giveaway `json:"giveaway"`
// (Optional) A giveaway with public winners was completed.
GiveawayWinners *GiveawayWinners `json:"giveaway_winners"`
// ReplyParams describes reply parameters for the message that is being sent.
type ReplyParams struct {
// Identifier of the message that will be replied to in the current chat,
// or in the chat chat_id if it is specified.
MessageID int `json:"message_id"`
// (Optional) If the message to be replied to is from a different chat,
// unique identifier for the chat or username of the channel.
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// Optional. Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified message
// to be replied to is not found; can be used only for replies in the
// same chat and forum topic.
AllowWithoutReply bool `json:"allow_sending_without_reply"`
// (Optional) Quoted part of the message to be replied to; 0-1024 characters after
// entities parsing. The quote must be an exact substring of the message to be replied to,
// including bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, spoiler, and custom_emoji entities.
// The message will fail to send if the quote isn't found in the original message.
Quote string `json:"quote"`
// (Optional) Mode for parsing entities in the quote.
QuoteParseMode ParseMode `json:"quote_parse_mode"`
// (Optional) A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the quote.
// It can be specified instead of quote_parse_mode.
QuoteEntities []MessageEntity `json:"quote_entities"`
// (Optional) Position of the quote in the original message in UTF-16 code units.
QuotePosition int `json:"quote_position"`
// React changes the chosen reactions on a message. Service messages can't be
// reacted to. Automatically forwarded messages from a channel to its discussion group have
// the same available reactions as messages in the channel.
7 months ago
func (b *Bot) React(to Recipient, msg Editable, opts ...ReactionOptions) error {
if to == nil {
return ErrBadRecipient
msgID, _ := msg.MessageSig()
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": to.Recipient(),
"message_id": msgID,
if len(opts) > 0 {
opt := opts[0]
if len(opt.Reactions) > 0 {
data, _ := json.Marshal(opt.Reactions)
params["reaction"] = string(data)
if opt.Big {
params["is_big"] = "true"
_, err := b.Raw("setMessageReaction", params)
return err