# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import binascii import os import logging try: from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin import requests from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.events import NewRequest, subscriber try: import requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl HAS_PYOPENSSL = True except ImportError: HAS_PYOPENSSL = False import mozsvc.config from tokenserver.util import _JSONError logger = logging.getLogger("syncserver") DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND = "syncserver.staticnode.StaticNodeAssignment" def includeme(config): """Install SyncServer application into the given Pyramid configurator.""" # Set the umask so that files are created with secure permissions. # Necessary for e.g. created-on-demand sqlite database files. os.umask(0o077) # If PyOpenSSL is available, configure requests to use it. # This helps improve security on older python versions. if HAS_PYOPENSSL: requests.packages.urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() settings = config.registry.settings import_settings_from_environment_variables(settings) # Sanity-check the deployment settings and provide sensible defaults. public_url = settings.get("syncserver.public_url") if public_url is None: raise RuntimeError("you must configure syncserver.public_url") public_url = public_url.rstrip("/") settings["syncserver.public_url"] = public_url secret = settings.get("syncserver.secret") if secret is None: secret = generate_random_hex_key(64) sqluri = settings.get("syncserver.sqluri") if sqluri is None: rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) sqluri = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(rootdir, "syncserver.db") # Automagically configure from IdP if one is given. idp = settings.get("syncserver.identity_provider") if idp is not None: r = requests.get(urljoin(idp, '/.well-known/fxa-client-configuration')) r.raise_for_status() idp_config = r.json() idp_issuer = urlparse(idp_config["auth_server_base_url"]).netloc # Configure app-specific defaults based on top-level configuration. settings.pop("config", None) if "tokenserver.backend" not in settings: # Default to our simple static node-assignment backend settings["tokenserver.backend"] = DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND if settings["tokenserver.backend"] == DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND: # Provide some additional defaults for the default backend, # unless overridden in the config. if "tokenserver.sqluri" not in settings: settings["tokenserver.sqluri"] = sqluri if "tokenserver.node_url" not in settings: settings["tokenserver.node_url"] = public_url if "endpoints.sync-1.5" not in settings: settings["endpoints.sync-1.5"] = "{node}/storage/1.5/{uid}" if "tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent" not in settings: # Default to no gevent monkey-patching settings["tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent"] = False if "tokenserver.applications" not in settings: # Default to just the sync-1.5 application settings["tokenserver.applications"] = "sync-1.5" if "tokenserver.secrets.backend" not in settings: # Default to a single fixed signing secret settings["tokenserver.secrets.backend"] = "mozsvc.secrets.FixedSecrets" settings["tokenserver.secrets.secrets"] = [secret] if "tokenserver.allow_new_users" not in settings: allow_new_users = settings.get("syncserver.allow_new_users") if allow_new_users is not None: settings["tokenserver.allow_new_users"] = allow_new_users if "hawkauth.secrets.backend" not in settings: # Default to the same secrets backend as the tokenserver for key in settings.keys(): if key.startswith("tokenserver.secrets."): newkey = "hawkauth" + key[len("tokenserver"):] settings[newkey] = settings[key] if "storage.backend" not in settings: # Default to sql syncstorage backend settings["storage.backend"] = "syncstorage.storage.sql.SQLStorage" settings["storage.sqluri"] = sqluri settings["storage.create_tables"] = True if "storage.batch_upload_enabled" not in settings: settings["storage.batch_upload_enabled"] = True if "browserid.backend" not in settings: # Default to local verifier to reduce external dependencies, # unless an explicit verifier URL has been configured. verifier_url = settings.get("syncserver.browserid_verifier") if not verifier_url: settings["browserid.backend"] = \ "tokenserver.verifiers.LocalBrowserIdVerifier" else: settings["browserid.backend"] = \ "tokenserver.verifiers.RemoteBrowserIdVerifier" settings["browserid.verifier_url"] = verifier_url # Use base of public_url as only audience audience = urlunparse(urlparse(public_url)._replace(path="")) settings["browserid.audiences"] = audience # If an IdP was specified, allow it and only it as issuer. if idp is not None: settings["browserid.trusted_issuers"] = [idp_issuer] settings["browserid.allowed_issuers"] = [idp_issuer] if "oauth.backend" not in settings: settings["oauth.backend"] = "tokenserver.verifiers.RemoteOAuthVerifier" # If an IdP was specified, use it for oauth verification. if idp is not None: settings["oauth.server_url"] = idp_config["oauth_server_base_url"] settings["oauth.default_issuer"] = idp_issuer if "loggers" not in settings: # Default to basic logging config. root_logger = logging.getLogger("") if not root_logger.handlers: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN) if "fxa.metrics_uid_secret_key" not in settings: # Default to a randomly-generated secret. # This setting isn't useful in a self-hosted setup # and setting a default avoids scary-sounding warnings. settings["fxa.metrics_uid_secret_key"] = generate_random_hex_key(32) # Include the relevant sub-packages. config.scan("syncserver", ignore=["syncserver.wsgi_app"]) config.include("syncstorage", route_prefix="/storage") config.include("tokenserver", route_prefix="/token") # Add a top-level "it works!" view. def itworks(request): return Response("it works!") config.add_route('itworks', '/') config.add_view(itworks, route_name='itworks') def import_settings_from_environment_variables(settings, environ=None): """Helper function to import settings from environment variables. This helper exists to allow the most commonly-changed settings to be configured via environment variables, which is useful when deploying with docker. For more complex configuration needs you should write a .ini config file. """ if environ is None: environ = os.environ SETTINGS_FROM_ENVIRON = ( ("SYNCSERVER_PUBLIC_URL", "syncserver.public_url", str), ("SYNCSERVER_SECRET", "syncserver.secret", str), ("SYNCSERVER_SQLURI", "syncserver.sqluri", str), ("SYNCSERVER_IDENTITY_PROVIDER", "syncserver.identity_provider", str), ("SYNCSERVER_BROWSERID_VERIFIER", "syncserver.browserid_verifier", str), ("SYNCSERVER_ALLOW_NEW_USERS", "syncserver.allow_new_users", str_to_bool), ("SYNCSERVER_FORCE_WSGI_ENVIRON", "syncserver.force_wsgi_environ", str_to_bool), ("SYNCSERVER_BATCH_UPLOAD_ENABLED", "storage.batch_upload_enabled", str_to_bool), ) for key, name, convert in SETTINGS_FROM_ENVIRON: try: settings[name] = convert(environ[key]) except KeyError: pass def str_to_bool(value): """Helper to convert textual boolean strings to actual booleans.""" if value.lower() in ("true", "on", "1", "yes"): return True if value.lower() in ("false", "off", "0", "no"): return False raise ValueError("unable to parse boolean from %r" % (value,)) def generate_random_hex_key(length): return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(length // 2)) @subscriber(NewRequest) def reconcile_wsgi_environ_with_public_url(event): """Event-listener that checks and tweaks WSGI environ based on public_url. This is a simple trick to help ensure that the configured public_url matches the actual deployed address. It fixes fixes parts of the WSGI environ where it makes sense (e.g. SCRIPT_NAME) and warns about any parts that seem obviously mis-configured (e.g. http:// versus https://). It's very important to get public_url and WSGI environ matching exactly, since they're used for browserid audience checking and HAWK signature validation, so mismatches can easily cause strange and cryptic errors. """ request = event.request public_url = request.registry.settings["syncserver.public_url"] p_public_url = urlparse(public_url) # If we don't have a SCRIPT_NAME, take it from the public_url. # This is often the case if we're behind e.g. an nginx proxy that # is serving us at some sub-path. if not request.script_name: request.script_name = p_public_url.path.rstrip("/") # If the environ does not match public_url, requests are almost certainly # going to fail due to auth errors. We can either bail out early, or we # can forcibly clobber the WSGI environ with the values from public_url. # This is a security risk if you've e.g. mis-configured the server, so # it's not enabled by default. application_url = request.application_url if public_url != application_url: if not request.registry.settings.get("syncserver.force_wsgi_environ"): msg = "\n".join(( "The public_url setting doesn't match the application url.", "This will almost certainly cause authentication failures!", " public_url setting is: %s" % (public_url,), " application url is: %s" % (application_url,), "You can disable this check by setting the force_wsgi_environ", "option in your config file, but do so at your own risk.", )) logger.error(msg) raise _JSONError([msg], status_code=500) request.scheme = p_public_url.scheme request.host = p_public_url.netloc request.script_name = p_public_url.path.rstrip("/") def get_configurator(global_config, **settings): """Load a SyncStorge configurator object from deployment settings.""" config = mozsvc.config.get_configurator(global_config, **settings) config.begin() try: config.include(includeme) finally: config.end() return config def main(global_config={}, **settings): """Load a SyncStorage WSGI app from deployment settings.""" config = get_configurator(global_config, **settings) return config.make_wsgi_app()