# # A helper script to delete user data from a Sync storage server. # # You can use this script to explicitly delete stored sync data # for a user, without having to connect a Firefox profile and # without having to reset their password. It may be useful if # you've started running a self-hosted storage server and want # to delete data that was previously stored on the Mozilla-hosted # servers. # # Use it like so: # # $> pip install PyFxA # $> python delete_user_data.py user@example.com # # The script makes a best-effort attempt to sign in to the user's # account, authenticate to the Firefox Sync Tokenserver, and delete # the user's stored sync data. The login process might fail due to # things like rate-limiting, server-side security measures, or API # changes in the login process. # import sys import getpass import hashlib import argparse import urlparse import requests import hawkauthlib import fxa.core DEFAULT_FXA_URI = "https://api.accounts.firefox.com" DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_URI = "https://token.services.mozilla.com" def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Delete Firefox Sync data") parser.add_argument("email", help="Email of the account for which to delete data") parser.add_argument("--accounts-uri", default=DEFAULT_FXA_URI, help="URI of the Firefox Accounts API server") parser.add_argument("--tokenserver-uri", default=DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_URI, help="URI of the Firefox Sync tokenserver") args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Sign in to the account. c = fxa.core.Client(args.accounts_uri) password = getpass.getpass("Password for {}: ".format(args.email)) s = c.login(args.email, password, keys=True) try: # Verify the session if necessary. # TODO: this won't work if the user has enabled two-step auth. status = s.get_email_status() if not status["sessionVerified"]: code = raw_input("Enter verification link or code: ") if "?" in code: # They copy-pasted the full URL. code_url = urlparse.urlparse(code) code = urlparse.parse_qs(code_url.query)["code"][0] s.verify_email_code(code) # Prepare authentication details for tokenserver. (_, kB) = s.fetch_keys() xcs = hashlib.sha256(kB).hexdigest()[:32] auth = s.get_identity_assertion(args.tokenserver_uri) # Auth to tokenserver, find sync storage node. token_uri = urlparse.urljoin(args.tokenserver_uri, "1.0/sync/1.5") r = requests.get(token_uri, headers={ "Authorization": "BrowserID " + auth, "X-Client-State": xcs, }) r.raise_for_status() node = r.json() api_endpoint = node["api_endpoint"] hawk_id = node["id"].encode("ascii") hawk_key = node["key"].encode("ascii") print "Deleting from", api_endpoint req = requests.Request("DELETE", api_endpoint).prepare() hawkauthlib.sign_request(req, hawk_id, hawk_key) r = requests.session().send(req) r.raise_for_status() print r finally: s.destroy_session() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])