Allow piecemeal overrides of tokenserver backend default config.

Before this change, you have either have to accept the default config
for the tokenserver backend, or specify all config options and hence
duplicate info from earlier in the file.  With this change you can
now just specify anything you want to change and we'll use the defaults
for the rest.
Ryan Kelly 7 years ago
parent 8e693129e6
commit 7fe5c0fafc

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ from tokenserver.util import _JSONError
logger = logging.getLogger("syncserver")
DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND = "syncserver.staticnode.StaticNodeAssignment"
def includeme(config):
"""Install SyncServer application into the given Pyramid configurator."""
# Set the umask so that files are created with secure permissions.
@ -53,11 +56,16 @@ def includeme(config):
settings.pop("config", None)
if "tokenserver.backend" not in settings:
# Default to our simple static node-assignment backend
settings["tokenserver.backend"] =\
settings["tokenserver.sqluri"] = sqluri
settings["tokenserver.node_url"] = public_url
settings["endpoints.sync-1.5"] = "{node}/storage/1.5/{uid}"
settings["tokenserver.backend"] = DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND
if settings["tokenserver.backend"] == DEFAULT_TOKENSERVER_BACKEND:
# Provide some additional defaults for the default backend,
# unless overridden in the config.
if "tokenserver.sqluri" not in settings:
settings["tokenserver.sqluri"] = sqluri
if "tokenserver.node_url" not in settings:
settings["tokenserver.node_url"] = public_url
if "endpoints.sync-1.5" not in settings:
settings["endpoints.sync-1.5"] = "{node}/storage/1.5/{uid}"
if "tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent" not in settings:
# Default to no gevent monkey-patching
settings["tokenserver.monkey_patch_gevent"] = False
