mirror of https://github.com/webgefrickel/dotfiles synced 2024-11-19 03:25:33 +00:00

23 lines
775 B

" define a group `init` and initialize.
augroup init
" Remember last location/cursor in file
autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g'\"" | endif
" Autoresize windows/splits when vim resizes
autocmd VimResized * wincmd =
" spell correction on markdown files and mail (for mutt)
autocmd FileType mail,markdown setlocal spell
autocmd FileType mail,markdown setlocal wrap
autocmd FileType mail,markdown setlocal spelllang=en,de
" special settings for writing emails, flowed text at 72 width
autocmd FileType mail setlocal textwidth=72
autocmd FileType mail setlocal comments+=nb:>
autocmd FileType mail setlocal formatoptions+=awq
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead neomutt-* set ft=mail
augroup END