You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
3.6 KiB

/* global slate: true */
/* global screenSizeX: true */
/* global screenSizeY: true */
/* global screenOriginX: true */
/* global screenOriginY: true */
/* default configs
====================================================================== */
"defaultToCurrentScreen": true,
"windowHintsShowIcons": true,
"windowHintsIgnoreHiddenWindows": false,
"windowHintsSpread": true,
"windowHintsWidth": 50,
"windowHintsHeight": 50,
"nudgePercentOf": "screenSize",
"resizePercentOf": "screenSize",
"secondsBetweenRepeat": 0.1,
"checkDefaultsOnLoad": true,
"focusCheckWidthMax": 3000,
"modalEscapeKey": "esc"
/* operations
====================================================================== */
// show the overlay hints for applications
var hint = slate.operation("hint", { "characters": "ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPCVBN" });
// custom resize grids for all monitors 6x4
var grid = slate.operation("grid", {
"padding": 10,
"grids": {
"0": {
"width": 6,
"height": 4
"1": {
"width": 6,
"height": 4
"2": {
"width": 6,
"height": 4
// ultrafast application-switching
var iterm = slate.operation("focus", { "app": "iTerm" });
var chrome = slate.operation("focus", { "app": "Google Chrome" });
var mail = slate.operation("focus", { "app": "Mail" });
var fork = slate.operation("focus", { "app": "ForkLift" });
var fullscreen = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "screenSizeX",
"height": "screenSizeY"
var lefthalf = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "screenSizeX/2",
"height": "screenSizeY"
var righthalf = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX+screenSizeX/2",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "screenSizeX/2",
"height": "screenSizeY"
var tophalf = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "screenSizeX",
"height": "screenSizeY/2"
var bottomhalf = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY+screenSizeY/2",
"width": "screenSizeX",
"height": "screenSizeY/2"
var mobile = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "480",
"height": "screenSizeY"
var tablet = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "1024",
"height": "768"
var desktop = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "1280",
"height": "800"
var fullhd = slate.operation("move", {
"x": "screenOriginX",
"y": "screenOriginY",
"width": "1920",
"height": "1080"
/* Key bindings
====================================================================== */
var hyper = ":shift,ctrl,alt,cmd";
var hyperModal = hyper + ",m:toggle";
// f = fast switching and a nice position in the home row
slate.bind("[" + hyper, hint, false);
// g = grid view
slate.bind("]" + hyper, grid, false);
// most important apps on easy accesible keys
slate.bind("a" + hyper, iterm, false);
slate.bind("s" + hyper, fork, false);
slate.bind("d" + hyper, chrome, false);
slate.bind("f" + hyper, mail, false);
// movements in modal mode with m
slate.bind("1" + hyperModal, lefthalf, false);
slate.bind("2" + hyperModal, righthalf, false);
slate.bind("3" + hyperModal, tophalf, false);
slate.bind("4" + hyperModal, bottomhalf, false);
slate.bind("5" + hyperModal, mobile, false);
slate.bind("6" + hyperModal, tablet, false);
slate.bind("7" + hyperModal, desktop, false);
slate.bind("8" + hyperModal, fullhd, false);
slate.bind("space" + hyperModal, fullscreen, false);