# make aliases and other stuff work in sudo alias sudo='sudo ' # always use macvim but for 'vim' alias vim=$EDITOR alias vi=$EDITOR alias v=$EDITOR alias vd=$EDITOR -d # Easier navigation: .., ..., ~ and - alias ~="cd ~" alias ..='cd ..' alias ...='cd ../..' alias ....='cd ../../..' alias .....='cd ../../../..' alias q='exit' # fasd alias a='fasd -a' # any alias s='fasd -si' # show / search / select alias d='fasd -d' # directory alias f='fasd -f' # file alias sd='fasd -sid' # interactive directory selection alias sf='fasd -sif' # interactive file selection alias z='fasd_cd -d' # cd, same functionality as j in autojump alias zz='fasd_cd -d -i' # cd with interactive selection # suffix-aliases for file-types (zsh only) alias -s css=vim alias -s scss=vim alias -s js=vim alias -s html=vim alias -s md=vim alias -s txt=vim # clipper -- https://github.com/wincent/clipper alias clip="nc localhost 8377" # gnu coreutils alias ls="gls -al --color=auto" alias l='gls -al --color=auto' # Gitty gitgit alias g="git" alias gf="git-flow" alias gs="git status" alias gst="git status" alias ggpl='git pull origin $(current_branch)' alias ggps='git push origin $(current_branch)' alias ggpnp='git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch)' alias gsmu='git submodule init && git submodule update' alias gsmuu='git submodule foreach git pull origin master' alias gsvn='git checkout master && git svn fetch && git merge dev && git svn rebase && git svn dcommit' alias gmo='$EDITOR $(git ls-files -m)' # aliases for apache and mysql alias apachestart='sudo apachectl start' alias apachestop='sudo apachectl stop' alias mysqlstart='mysql.server start' alias mysqlstop='mysql.server stop' alias dev='apachestart && mysqlstart' alias devs='apachestop && mysqlstop' alias devr='devs && dev' # tmux alias t='tmux -u -2' alias ta='tmux attach' # all in one homebrew, gem update commands alias brewup='brew update && brew upgrade --all && brew cleanup && brew linkapps' alias gemup='gem update --system && gem update && gem cleanup' alias npmup='npm -g cache clean && npm -g update' alias sysup='sudo softwareupdate -i -a' alias upall='sysup && brewup && gemup && npmup' # other often used stuff alias npmre='rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean && npm install' # easy hosts / apache / php editing alias hosts='sudo vim /etc/hosts' alias vhosts='sudo vim /usr/local/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf' alias phpini='vim /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/php.ini' alias httpconf='vim /usr/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf' # docker stuff alias drft='docker run -it -v $(pwd)/:/code/ docker-frontend-tools' # often used folder shortcuts alias drop='cd ~/Dropbox && ls -al' alias web='cd ~/Sites && ls -al' alias rep='cd ~/Repositories && ls -al' alias dot='cd ~/Dotfiles && ls -al' # random usefull stuff alias dnsflush='sudo dscacheutil -flushcache' alias cleanup="find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete" alias lock="/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend" # imagemagick downsampling shortcuts (c&p retina folder, run, done!) # http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/filter/nicolas/#downsample alias png25='find . -name "*.png" | xargs mogrify -colorspace RGB -filter LanczosRadius -distort Resize 25% -colorspace sRGB' alias jpg25='find . -name "*.jpg" | xargs mogrify -colorspace RGB -filter LanczosRadius -distort Resize 25% -colorspace sRGB' alias png50='find . -name "*.png" | xargs mogrify -colorspace RGB -filter LanczosRadius -distort Resize 50% -colorspace sRGB' alias jpg50='find . -name "*.jpg" | xargs mogrify -colorspace RGB -filter LanczosRadius -distort Resize 50% -colorspace sRGB'