#!/usr/bin/env bash brew tap homebrew/dupes brew tap homebrew/php # install additional brew packages -- see _install.sh too brew install boot2docker brew install composer brew install curl brew install docker brew install fasd brew install ffmpeg --with-libvpx --with-libvorbis --with-fdk-aac brew install git-extras brew install git-flow brew install httpd brew install imagemagick brew install markdown brew install mysql brew install php56 brew install php56-intl brew install php56-mcrypt brew install php56-tidy brew install php56-xdebug brew install rbenv brew install ruby-build brew install ssh-copy-id brew install the_silver_searcher brew install wget brew install youtube-dl # brew cask and install software brew cask install adium brew cask install alfred brew cask install amadeus-pro brew cask install bartender brew cask install carbon-copy-cloner brew cask install doxie brew cask install firefox brew cask install flux brew cask install google-chrome brew cask install imagealpha brew cask install imageoptim brew cask install istat-menus brew cask install karabiner brew cask install libreoffice brew cask install qlcolorcode brew cask install qlimagesize brew cask install qlmarkdown brew cask install qlstephen brew cask install quicklook-csv brew cask install quicklook-json brew cask install seil brew cask install sequel-pro brew cask install slate brew cask install transmission brew cask install virtualbox brew cask install vlc brew cask install webpquicklook brew cask install xld # set some options for qlcolorcode defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode font Hack defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode fontSizePoints 8 # maybe you have to copy solarized-dark into the caskroom to use it # have a look a the most current github repo for qlcolorcode defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode hlTheme solarized-dark defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode extraHLFlags '--replace-tabs=2' qlmanage -r # the rest -> appstore or adobe or others, such as gpg have to be installed manually