# My dotfiles This is a collection of my dotfiles. Requirements are: installed and working homebrew with installed node, npm and the node jake-plugin. And zsh :-) ``` git clone git://github.com/webgefrickel/Dotfiles ~/Dotfiles cd ~/Dotfiles jake ``` Restart your terminal and type ``` cd ~/Dotfiles jake zsh ``` Now change the file `.gitconfig.user` in your home-folder and provide your git credentials, such as: ``` [user] name = Your name email = youremail@domain.de [github] user = username token = 1235687641287364 ``` Finally restart your terminal and vim again, and you are ready to go. ## oh-my-zsh I use the famous oh-my-zsh framework with a custom theme. Have a look at the zshrc-file for custom aliases and functions. ## VIM ### Bundled Plugins - Pathogen (sits in autoload/ - the only one _not_ in bundle/) - ack - buffergator - ctrlp - easymotion - editorconfig - fugitive - gist (more config needed, see github page) - indent-object - matchit - nerdtree - nrrwrgn - powerline - ragtag - repeat - snipmate - sparkup - supertab - surround - syntastic - tabular - tcomment - unimpaired - zoomwin ### Bundled Color Schemes - jellybeans (one to rule them all) ### Better syntax and indenting for - css3 - git - html5 - javascript - markdown - php - scss - typoscript ### Custom Stuff (see my github profile) - [typoscript syntax for Vim](https://github.com/webgefrickel/typoscript-vim) - [custom snipmate snippets](https://github.com/webgefrickel/snipmate-snippets) - remapping ; to : - \ is set to comma (,) - \ and \ for switching between buffers - no arrow-keys, except for indenting, moving blocks of code with \ - ,u and ,l (and uppercase) for uppercasing/lowercasing words - ,w for switching to words - ,v for a new vertical split - ,= for resizing splits equally - ,a for Ack-Search - ,f for search and replace - ,/ for un/commenting - ,z for zoomin - ,n for nerdtree toggling - ,m for easymotion (,mw or ,mf are my favorites here) - ,b for toggling buffergator - ,t for CtrlP - ,d for changing the working dir to the dir of the current file - ,e for editing file in the same path - autotrailing of whitespace for php, html, css, js, ts, xml, json, inc and vim files Hav a look at the vimrc-file and have fun!