You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.9 KiB

# default config
kwmc config optimal-ratio 1.618
kwmc config spawn right
kwmc config float-non-resizable on
kwmc config lock-to-container on
kwmc config focus-follows-mouse off
kwmc config standby-on-float off
kwmc config center-on-float on
kwmc config cycle-focus on
kwmc config mouse-follows-focus on
kwmc config mouse-drag off
kwmc config mouse-drag mod ctrl+cmd+alt+shift
kwmc config hotkeys on
kwmc config split-ratio 0.5
# no border, use hazeover instead
kwmc config border focused off
kwmc config border focused size 2
kwmc config border focused radius 6
# default is bsp with a padding of 6
kwmc config tiling bsp
kwmc config padding 2 2 2 2
kwmc config gap 2 2
# override displays, if there are two
kwmc config display 0 mode bsp
kwmc config display 0 float-dim 1200 800
kwmc config display 1 mode monocle
kwmc config display 1 float-dim 1200 800
# blacklist applications from kwms tiling
kwmc rule owner="1Password" properties={float="true"}
kwmc rule owner="Dash" properties={float="true"}
kwmc rule owner="Finder" properties={float="true"}
kwmc rule owner="ImageOptim" properties={float="true"}
kwmc rule owner="System Preferences" properties={float="true"}
kwmc rule owner="Telegram" properties={float="true"}
8 years ago
kwmc rule owner="Tweetbot" properties={float="true"}
# those apps should always be on the main display
kwmc rule owner="Firefox" properties={display="0"}
kwmc rule owner="Google Chrome" properties={display="0"}
kwmc rule owner="HyperTerm" properties={display="0"}
kwmc rule owner="Safari" properties={display="0"}
kwmc rule owner="Terminal" properties={display="0"}
# and those should be on the secondary display
kwmc rule owner="Calendar" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="Dash" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="ForkLift" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="Mail" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="Messages" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="Skype" properties={display="1"}
kwmc rule owner="Telegram" properties={display="1"}