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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
brew tap homebrew/services
# install additional brew packages -- see too
brew install bat
brew install clipper
brew install fd
brew install ffmpeg
brew install fzf
brew install jump
3 years ago
brew install lazygit
brew install nnn
brew install ripgrep
brew install speedread
brew install spotify-tui
brew install spotifyd
brew install starship
brew install switchaudio-osx
2 years ago
brew install topgrade
brew install tree
brew install viu
# nnn plugins
curl -Ls | sh
ln -s ~/dotfiles/lazygit ~/.config/lazygit
ln -s ~/dotfiles/lazygit ~/Library/Application\ Support/lazygit
ln -s ~/dotfiles/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml
ln -s ~/dotfiles/yamllint.yml ~/.config/yamllint/config
ln -s ~/dotfiles/spotifyd.toml ~/.config/spotifyd/spotifyd.conf
# other cli tools and helpers
npm install -g fkill-cli
npm install -g trash-cli
pip install tiptop
cargo install bartib
# install fzf
# clipper
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
brew services start clipper