import shutil from contextlib import nullcontext from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from rich.console import Console from rich.control import Control from import Style from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.text import Text from typer import Argument, Exit, Option, Typer from spiel.constants import PACKAGE_NAME, __version__ from import version_details from spiel.load import DeckReloader, DeckWatcher, load_deck from spiel.modes import Mode from spiel.present import present_deck from spiel.state import State THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent app = Typer( help=dedent( f"""\ Display richly-styled presentations using your terminal. To see what {PACKAGE_NAME.capitalize()} can do, take a look at the demo deck: $ spiel demo present A {PACKAGE_NAME.capitalize()} presentation (a "deck [of slides]") is defined programmatically using a Python script. """ ) ) @app.command() def present( path: Path = Argument( ..., dir_okay=False, help="The path to the slide deck file.", ), mode: Mode = Option( default=Mode.SLIDE, help="The mode to start presenting in.", ), slide: int = Option( default=1, help="The slide number to start the presentation on.", ), profiling: bool = Option( default=False, help="Whether to start presenting with profiling information enabled.", ), watch: bool = Option( default=False, help="If enabled, reload the deck when the slide deck file changes.", ), poll: bool = Option( default=False, help="If enabled, poll the filesystem for changes (implies --watch). Use this option on systems that don't support file modification notifications.", ), ) -> None: """ Present a deck. """ _present(path=path, mode=mode, slide=slide, profiling=profiling, watch=watch, poll=poll) def _present(path: Path, mode: Mode, slide: int, profiling: bool, watch: bool, poll: bool) -> None: state = State( console=Console(), deck=load_deck(path), profiling=profiling, ) state.mode = mode state.jump_to_slide(slide - 1) watcher = ( DeckWatcher(event_handler=DeckReloader(state, path), path=path, poll=poll) if (watch or poll) else nullcontext() ) try: with watcher: present_deck(state) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise Exit(code=0) finally: state.console.print(Control.clear()) state.console.print(Control.move_to(0, 0)) @app.command() def version( plain: bool = Option( default=False, help=f"Print only {PACKAGE_NAME}'s version.", ) ) -> None: """ Display version and debugging information. """ console = Console() if plain: print(__version__) else: console.print(version_details(console)) demo = Typer( name="demo", help=dedent( """\ Use the demonstration deck (present it, display source, etc.). """ ), ) DEMO_DIR = THIS_DIR / "demo" DEMO_SOURCE = THIS_DIR / "demo" / "" @demo.command(name="present") def present_demo() -> None: """ Present the demo deck. """ _present(path=DEMO_SOURCE, mode=Mode.SLIDE, slide=0, profiling=False, watch=False, poll=False) @demo.command() def source() -> None: """ Display the source code for the demo deck in your PAGER. """ console = Console() with console.pager(styles=True): console.print(Syntax(DEMO_SOURCE.read_text(), lexer_name="python")) @demo.command() def copy( path: Path = Argument( default=..., writable=True, help="The path to copy the demo deck source code and assets to.", ) ) -> None: """ Copy the demo deck source code and assets to a new directory. """ console = Console() if path.exists(): console.print(Text(f"Error: {path} already exists!", style=Style(color="red"))) raise Exit(code=2) try: shutil.copytree(DEMO_DIR, path) except Exception as e: console.print(Text(f"Failed to copy demo deck directory: {e}", style=Style(color="red"))) raise Exit(code=1) console.print( Text(f"Wrote demo deck source code and assets to {path}", style=Style(color="green")) ) app.add_typer(demo)