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How-to Guides
.. _customise-templates:
How to Customise Layout Through Templates
You can customise the look of the documentation that AutoAPI generates
by changing the Jinja2 templates that it uses.
The default templates live in the ``autoapi/templates`` directory of the AutoAPI package.
Simply copy whichever templates you want to customise to a local directory
and edit them.
To get AutoAPI to use these templates,
point the :confval:`autoapi_template_dir` configuration option to your directory.
It can be absolute, or relative to the root of the documentation directory
(ie the directory with the ```` file).
.. code-block:: python
autoapi_template_dir = '_autoapi_templates'
Your template directory must to follow the same layout as the default templates.
For example, to override the Python class and module templates:
.. code-block:: none
└── python
├── class.rst
└── module.rst
How to Customise the Index Page
The index page that AutoAPI creates is generated using a template.
So customising the index page follows the same steps as customising a template.
Simply edit the ``autoapi/templates/index.rst`` template
with the same steps as :ref:`customising a template <customise-templates>`.
How to Remove the Index Page
To remove the index page altogether,
turn off the :confval:`autoapi_add_toctree_entry` configuration option::
autoapi_add_toctree_entry = False
You will then need to include the generated documentation in the toctree yourself.
For example if you were generating documentation for a package called "example",
you would add the following toctree entry::
.. toctree::
Note that ``autoapi/`` is the default location of documentation,
as configured by :confval:`autoapi_root`.
If you change :confval:`autoapi_root`,
then the entry that you need to add would change also.
How to Configure Where Documentation Appears in the TOC Tree
The :confval:`autoapi_root` configuration option defines where generated documentation is output.
To change where documentation is output,
simply change this option to another directory relative to the ```` file:
.. code-block:: python
autoapi_root = 'technical/api'
How to Transition to Autodoc-Style Documentation
Once you have written some documentation with the :ref:`autodoc-directives`,
turning the automatic documentation generation off is as easy as
disabling the :confval:`autoapi_generate_api_docs` configuration option::
autoapi_generate_api_docs = False
How to Transition to Manual Documentation
To start writing API documentation yourself,
you can get AutoAPI to keep its generated files around as a base to start from
using the :confval:`autoapi_keep_files` option::
autoapi_keep_files = True
Once you have built your documentation with this option turned on,
you can disable AutoAPI altogether from your project.