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* Creates an instance of Circle.
* @constructor
* @this {Circle}
* @param {number} r The desired radius of the circle.
function Circle(r) {
/** @private */ this.radius = r;
/** @private */ this.circumference = 2 * Math.PI * r;
* Creates a new Circle from a diameter.
* @param {number} d The desired diameter of the circle.
* @return {Circle} The new Circle object.
Circle.fromDiameter = function (d) {
return new Circle(d / 2);
* Calculates the circumference of the Circle.
* @deprecated
* @this {Circle}
* @return {number} The circumference of the circle.
Circle.prototype.calculateCircumference = function () {
return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius;
* Returns the pre-computed circumference of the Circle.
* @this {Circle}
* @return {number} The circumference of the circle.
Circle.prototype.getCircumference = function () {
return this.circumference;
* Find a String representation of the Circle.
* @override
* @this {Circle}
* @return {string} Human-readable representation of this Circle.
Circle.prototype.toString = function () {
return "A Circle object with radius of " + this.radius + ".";