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"""Test .NET autoapi domain"""
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import patch
from autoapi.mappers import dotnet
class MockConfig:
def __getattr__(self, key):
attrs = {
"autoapi_dirs": ["/tmp/autoapi/tmp"],
"autoapi_root": "/tmp/autoapi/root",
return attrs.get(key, None)
class MockApplication:
config = MockConfig()
def warn(self, *args, **kwargs):
class TestDotNetSphinxMapper:
def test_create_class(self):
"""Test .NET class instance creation helper"""
dom = dotnet.DotNetSphinxMapper(MockApplication())
def _create_class(data):
return list(dom.create_class(data))[0]
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Namespace"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetNamespace)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Class"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetClass)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Property"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetProperty)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Method"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetMethod)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Enum"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetEnum)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Constructor"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetConstructor)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Struct"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetStruct)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Interface"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetInterface)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Delegate"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetDelegate)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Field"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetField)
cls = _create_class({"id": "Foo.Bar", "type": "Event"})
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetEvent)
def test_create_class_with_children(self):
dom = dotnet.DotNetSphinxMapper(MockApplication())
def _create_class(data):
return list(dom.create_class(data))[0]
cls = _create_class(
"id": "Foo.Bar",
"type": "Class",
"items": [{"id": "Foo.Bar.Baz", "type": "Method"}],
assert isinstance(cls, dotnet.DotNetClass)
assert cls.item_map == {}
@patch("subprocess.check_output", lambda foo: foo)
def test_get_objects(self):
"""Test basic get objects"""
objs = []
def _mock_find(self, patterns, **kwargs):
return {"items": ["foo", "bar"]}
def _mock_read(self, path):
return {
"items": [
{"id": "Foo.Bar", "name": "Foo", "type": "property"},
{"id": "Foo.Bar2", "name": "Bar", "type": "property"},
"id": "Foo.Bar",
"type": "Class",
"summary": path,
with patch("autoapi.mappers.dotnet.DotNetSphinxMapper.find_files", _mock_find):
with patch(
"autoapi.mappers.dotnet.DotNetSphinxMapper.read_file", _mock_read
dom = dotnet.DotNetSphinxMapper(MockApplication())
dom.load("", "", "")
objs = dom.objects
assert len(objs) == 2
assert objs["Foo.Bar"].id == "Foo.Bar"
assert objs["Foo.Bar"].name == "Foo.Bar"
assert objs["Foo.Bar2"].id == "Foo.Bar2"
assert objs["Foo.Bar2"].name == "Foo.Bar2"
class TestDotNetPythonMapper:
def test_xml_parse(self):
"""XML doc comment parsing"""
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'This is an example comment <see cref="FOO" />'
assert ret == "This is an example comment :any:`FOO`"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'This is an example comment <see cref="!:FOO" />'
assert ret == "This is an example comment FOO"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'This is an example comment <see cref="N:FOO">inner foo</see>'
assert ret == "This is an example comment :dn:ns:`FOO`"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'Test <see cref="P:FOO" /> and <see cref="E:BAR">Blah</see>'
assert ret == "Test :dn:prop:`FOO` and :dn:event:`BAR`"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'This is an example comment <paramref name="FOO" />'
assert ret == "This is an example comment ``FOO``"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'This is an example comment <typeparamref name="FOO" />'
assert ret == "This is an example comment ``FOO``"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'With surrounding characters s<see cref="FOO" />s'
assert ret == r"With surrounding characters s :any:`FOO`\s"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'With surrounding characters s<paramref name="FOO" />s'
assert ret == r"With surrounding characters s ``FOO``\s"
def test_xml_transform_escape(self):
"""XML transform escaping"""
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'Foo <see cref="Foo`1" /> Bar'
assert ret == "Foo :any:`Foo\\`1` Bar"
ret = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper.transform_doc_comments(
'No space before<see cref="M:Foo`1" />or after'
assert ret == "No space before :dn:meth:`Foo\\`1`\\or after"
def test_parsing_obj(self):
"""Parse out object, test for transforms, etc"""
obj = {
"uid": "Foo`1",
"name": "Foo<TUser>",
"summary": 'Test parsing <see cref="Bar" />',
"syntax": {
"parameters": [
"id": "a",
"type": "{TUser}",
"description": 'Test <see cref="TUser" />',
"return": {
"type": "Bar",
"description": (
'Test references <see cref="Bar" /> '
'and paramrefs <paramref name="a" />'
mapped = dotnet.DotNetPythonMapper(obj, app=mock.MagicMock(), jinja_env=None)
expected = {"name": "a", "type": "{TUser}", "desc": "Test :any:`TUser`"}
assert mapped.parameters[0] == expected
assert (
== "Test references :any:`Bar` and paramrefs ``a``"