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import builtins
except ImportError:
import __builtin__ as builtins
import itertools
import re
import sys
import astroid
import astroid.nodes
if sys.version_info < (3,):
_EXCEPTIONS_MODULE = "exceptions"
# getattr to keep linter happy
_STRING_TYPES = getattr(builtins, "basestring")
_zip_longest = itertools.izip_longest # pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member
_STRING_TYPES = (str,)
_zip_longest = itertools.zip_longest # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def resolve_import_alias(name, import_names):
"""Resolve a name from an aliased import to its original name.
:param name: The potentially aliased name to resolve.
:type name: str
:param import_names: The pairs of original names and aliases
from the import.
:type import_names: iterable(tuple(str, str or None))
:returns: The original name.
:rtype: str
resolved_name = name
for import_name, imported_as in import_names:
if import_name == name:
if imported_as == name:
resolved_name = import_name
return resolved_name
def get_full_import_name(import_from, name):
"""Get the full path of a name from a ``from x import y`` statement.
:param import_from: The astroid node to resolve the name of.
:type import_from: astroid.nodes.ImportFrom
:param name:
:type name: str
:returns: The full import path of the name.
:rtype: str
partial_basename = resolve_import_alias(name, import_from.names)
module_name = import_from.modname
if import_from.level:
module = import_from.root()
assert isinstance(module, astroid.nodes.Module)
module_name = module.relative_to_absolute_name(
import_from.modname, level=import_from.level
return "{}.{}".format(module_name, partial_basename)
def get_full_basename(node, basename):
"""Resolve a partial base name to the full path.
:param node: The node representing the base name.
:type node: astroid.NodeNG
:param basename: The partial base name to resolve.
:type basename: str
:returns: The fully resolved base name.
:rtype: str
full_basename = basename
top_level_name = re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "", basename).split(".", 1)[0]
lookup_node = node
while not hasattr(lookup_node, "lookup"):
lookup_node = lookup_node.parent
assigns = lookup_node.lookup(top_level_name)[1]
for assignment in assigns:
if isinstance(assignment, astroid.nodes.ImportFrom):
import_name = get_full_import_name(assignment, top_level_name)
full_basename = basename.replace(top_level_name, import_name, 1)
if isinstance(assignment, astroid.nodes.Import):
import_name = resolve_import_alias(top_level_name, assignment.names)
full_basename = basename.replace(top_level_name, import_name, 1)
if isinstance(assignment, astroid.nodes.ClassDef):
full_basename = "{}.{}".format(assignment.root().name,
if isinstance(node, astroid.nodes.Call):
full_basename = re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "()", full_basename)
if full_basename.startswith("builtins."):
return full_basename[len("builtins.") :]
if full_basename.startswith("__builtin__."):
return full_basename[len("__builtin__.") :]
return full_basename
def get_full_basenames(bases, basenames):
"""Resolve the base nodes and partial names of a class to full names.
:param bases: The astroid node representing something that a class
inherits from.
:type bases: iterable(astroid.NodeNG)
:param basenames: The partial name of something that a class inherits from.
:type basenames: iterable(str)
:returns: The full names.
:rtype: iterable(str)
for base, basename in zip(bases, basenames):
yield get_full_basename(base, basename)
def _get_const_values(node):
value = None
if isinstance(node, (astroid.nodes.List, astroid.nodes.Tuple)):
new_value = []
for element in node.elts:
if isinstance(element, astroid.nodes.Const):
elif isinstance(element, (astroid.nodes.List, astroid.nodes.Tuple)):
value = new_value
elif isinstance(node, astroid.nodes.Const):
value = node.value
return value
def get_assign_value(node):
"""Get the name and value of the assignment of the given node.
Assignments to multiple names are ignored, as per PEP 257.
:param node: The node to get the assignment value from.
:type node: astroid.nodes.Assign or astroid.nodes.AnnAssign
:returns: The name that is assigned to,
and the value assigned to the name (if it can be converted).
:rtype: tuple(str, object or None) or None
targets = node.targets
except AttributeError:
targets = []
if len(targets) == 1:
target = targets[0]
if isinstance(target, astroid.nodes.AssignName):
name =
elif isinstance(target, astroid.nodes.AssignAttr):
name = target.attrname
return None
return (name, _get_const_values(node.value))
return None
def get_assign_annotation(node):
"""Get the type annotation of the assignment of the given node.
:param node: The node to get the annotation for.
:type node: astroid.nodes.Assign or astroid.nodes.AnnAssign
:returns: The type annotation as a string, or None if one does not exist.
:rtype: str or None
annotation = None
annotation_node = None
annotation_node = node.annotation
except AttributeError:
# Python 2 has no support for type annotations, so use getattr
annotation_node = getattr(node, "type_annotation", None)
if annotation_node:
if isinstance(annotation_node, astroid.nodes.Const):
annotation = node.value
annotation = annotation_node.as_string()
return annotation
def is_decorated_with_property(node):
"""Check if the function is decorated as a property.
:param node: The node to check.
:type node: astroid.nodes.FunctionDef
:returns: True if the function is a property, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if not node.decorators:
return False
for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
if not isinstance(decorator, astroid.Name):
if _is_property_decorator(decorator):
return True
except astroid.InferenceError:
return False
def _is_property_decorator(decorator):
def _is_property_class(class_node):
return ( == "property"
and class_node.root().name == builtins.__name__
for inferred in decorator.infer():
if not isinstance(inferred, astroid.nodes.ClassDef):
if _is_property_class(inferred):
return True
if any(_is_property_class(ancestor) for ancestor in inferred.ancestors()):
return True
return False
def is_decorated_with_property_setter(node):
"""Check if the function is decorated as a property setter.
:param node: The node to check.
:type node: astroid.nodes.FunctionDef
:returns: True if the function is a property setter, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if not node.decorators:
return False
for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
if (
isinstance(decorator, astroid.nodes.Attribute)
and decorator.attrname == "setter"
return True
return False
def is_constructor(node):
"""Check if the function is a constructor.
:param node: The node to check.
:type node: astroid.nodes.FunctionDef
:returns: True if the function is a contructor, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return (
and isinstance(node.parent.scope(), astroid.nodes.ClassDef)
and == "__init__"
def is_exception(node):
"""Check if a class is an exception.
:param node: The node to check.
:type node: astroid.nodes.ClassDef
:returns: True if the class is an exception, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if ( in ("Exception", "BaseException")
and node.root().name == _EXCEPTIONS_MODULE
return True
if not hasattr(node, "ancestors"):
return False
return any(is_exception(parent) for parent in node.ancestors(recurs=True))
def is_local_import_from(node, package_name):
"""Check if a node is an import from the local package.
:param node: The node to check.
:type node: astroid.node.NodeNG
:param package_name: The name of the local package.
:type package_name: str
:returns: True if the node is an import from the local package,
False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if not isinstance(node, astroid.ImportFrom):
return False
return (
or node.modname == package_name
or node.modname.startswith(package_name + ".")
def get_module_all(node):
"""Get the contents of the ``__all__`` variable from a module.
:param node: The module to get ``__all__`` from.
:type node: astroid.nodes.Module
:returns: The contents of ``__all__`` if defined. Otherwise None.
:rtype: list(str) or None
all_ = None
if "__all__" in node.locals:
assigned = next(node.igetattr("__all__"))
if assigned is not astroid.Uninferable:
all_ = []
for elt in getattr(assigned, "elts", ()):
elt_name = next(elt.infer())
except astroid.InferenceError:
if elt_name is astroid.Uninferable:
if isinstance(elt_name, astroid.Const) and isinstance(
elt_name.value, _STRING_TYPES
return all_
def merge_annotations(annotations, comment_annotations):
for ann, comment_ann in _zip_longest(annotations, comment_annotations):
if not ann or isinstance(ann, astroid.Ellipsis):
yield comment_ann
yield ann
def _format_args(args, defaults=None, annotations=None):
values = []
if args is None:
return ""
if annotations is None:
annotations = []
if defaults is not None:
default_offset = len(args) - len(defaults)
packed = _zip_longest(args, annotations)
for i, (arg, annotation) in enumerate(packed):
if isinstance(arg, astroid.Tuple):
argname =
default_sep = "="
if annotation is not None:
ann_str = annotation.as_string()
if isinstance(annotation, astroid.Const):
ann_str = annotation.value
argname = "{}: {}".format(argname, ann_str)
default_sep = " = "
if defaults is not None and i >= default_offset:
if defaults[i - default_offset] is not None:
values[-1] += default_sep + defaults[i - default_offset].as_string()
return ", ".join(values)
def format_args(args_node):
result = []
positional_only_defaults = []
positional_or_keyword_defaults = args_node.defaults
if args_node.defaults:
args = args_node.args or []
positional_or_keyword_defaults = args_node.defaults[-len(args) :]
positional_only_defaults = args_node.defaults[
: len(args_node.defaults) - len(args)
plain_annotations = getattr(args_node, "annotations", ()) or ()
func_comment_annotations = getattr(args_node.parent, "type_comment_args", ()) or ()
comment_annotations = getattr(args_node, "type_comment_args", ()) or ()
annotations = list(
merge_annotations(func_comment_annotations, comment_annotations),
if getattr(args_node, "posonlyargs", None):
result.append(_format_args(args_node.posonlyargs, positional_only_defaults))
if args_node.args:
_format_args(args_node.args, positional_or_keyword_defaults, annotations)
if args_node.vararg:
vararg_result = "*{}".format(args_node.vararg)
if getattr(args_node, "varargannotation", None):
vararg_result = "{}: {}".format(
vararg_result, args_node.varargannotation.as_string()
if getattr(args_node, "kwonlyargs", None):
if not args_node.vararg:
if args_node.kwarg:
kwarg_result = "**{}".format(args_node.kwarg)
if getattr(args_node, "kwargannotation", None):
kwarg_result = "{}: {}".format(
kwarg_result, args_node.kwargannotation.as_string()
return ", ".join(result)