2019-04-21 15:38:22 -07:00

153 lines
4.9 KiB

Versions follow `Semantic Versioning <https://semver.org/>`_ (``<major>.<minor>.<patch>``).
* `#100 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/100>`: (Python) Added support for documenting C extensions via ``.pyi`` stub files.
* Added support for Sphinx 2.0.
* Toned down the API reference index page.
* (Go) Patterns configured in ``autoapi_ignore`` are passed to godocjson.
Bug Fixes
* `#159 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/159>`: (Python) Fixed ``UnicodeDecodeError`` on Python 2 when a documenting an attribute that contains binary data.
* (Python) Fixed private submodules displaying when ``private-members`` is turned off.
* Templates no longer produce excessive whitespace.
Trivial/Internal Changes
* No longer pin the version of black.
* Added missing test environments to travis.
v0.7.1 (2019-02-04)
Bug Fixes
* (Python) Fixed a false warning when importing a local module.
v0.7.0 (2019-01-30)
Breaking Changes
* Dropped support for Sphinx<1.6.
* Added debug messages about what AutoAPI is doing.
Bug Fixes
* `#156 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/156>`: (Python) Made import resolution more stable.
Also capable of giving more detailed warnings.
Trivial/Internal Changes
* Code is now formatted using black.
* Removed references to old css and js files.
* Replaced usage of deprecated Sphinx features.
* Reorganised tests to be more pytest-like.
v0.6.2 (2018-11-15)
Bug Fixes
* (Python) Fixed some import chains failing to resolve depending on resolution order.
v0.6.1 (2018-11-14)
Bug Fixes
* (Python) Fixed unicode decoding on Python 3.7.
* (Python) Fixed autodoc directives not documenting anything in submodules or subpackages.
* (Python) Fixed error parsing files with unicode docstrings.
* (Python) Fixed error when documenting something that's imported in more than one place.
Trivial/Internal Changes
* (Python) Added Python 3.7 testing.
* Started testing against stable version of Sphinx 1.8.
* Fixed all "no title" warnings during tests.
v0.6.0 (2018-08-20)
Breaking Changes
* `#152 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/152>`: Removed the ``autoapi_add_api_root_toctree`` option.
This has been replaced with the ``autoapi_add_toctree_entry`` option.
* `#25 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/25>`: Removed distutils support.
* Removed redundant ``package_dir`` and ``package_data`` options.
* (Python) Added viewcode support for imported members.
* `#146 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/146>`: (Python) No longer documents ``__init__()`` attributes without a docstring.
* `#153 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/153>`: (Python) Can document a public python API.
* `#111 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/111>`: (Python) Can opt to write manual documentation through new autodoc-style directives.
* `#152 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/152>`: Made it easier to remove default index page.
Also removed autoapi_add_api_root_toctree config option
* `#150 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/150>`: (Python) ``private-members`` also controls private subpackages and submodules.
* (Python) Added support for static and class methods.
* (Python) Methods include ``self`` in their arguments.
This more closely matches autodoc behaviour.
* `#145 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/145>`: (Python) Added support for detecting Python exceptions.
* (Python) Can control how __init__ docstring is displayed.
* (Python) Added support for viewcode.
* (Python) Source files no longer need to be in ``sys.path``.
Bug Fixes
* (Python) Fixed linking to builtin bases.
* (Python) Fixed properties being documented more than once when set in ``__init__()``.
* (Python) Fixed nested classes not getting displayed.
* `#148 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/148>`: (Python) Fixed astroid 2.0 compatibility.
* (Python) Fixed filtered classes and attributes getting displayed.
* (Python) Fixed incorrect display of long lists.
* `#125 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/125>`: (Javacript) Fixed running incorrect jsdoc command on Windows.
* `#125 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/125>`: (Python) Support specifying package directories in ``autoapi_dirs``.
Trivial/Internal Changes
* Added Sphinx 1.7 and 1.8.0b1 testing.
* `#120 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/120>`: Updated documentation to remove outdated references.
* Removed old testing dependencies.
* `#143 <https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx-autoapi/issues/143>`: Removed unnecessary wheel dependency.