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Sphinx AutoAPI Reference Design
This document talks about the design of a .NET Sphinx integration.
This will include a mechanism for generating Javadoc style API references automatically.
We will describe decisions that lead to specific implementation details.
The main goal of this project is to be able to generate a MSDN or Javadoc style API reference from a .Net project in Sphinx.
Primary Goals
* Build MSDN/Javadoc style HTML output for arbitrary .Net code.
* Have specific pages for each Package, Class, and all class-level structures.
- `/api/System/`
- `/api/System/String/`
- `/api/System/String/Constructors/`
Secondary Goals
* Allow for definition of .Net classes inside of normal Sphinx prose docs (classic Sphinx style definition).
* Allow generation of Javadoc style docs from other languages.
We are working with Sphinx,
which has an existing way of doing this.
Generally, you define a `Domain` which describes the various language structure,
a *Class* or *Method*, for example.
Then the user will write RST that uses these definitions,
and Sphinx will create output from that markup.
.. code-block:: rst
.. py:function:: spam(eggs)
Spam the foo.
The author of the doucmentation will have now told Sphinx that the *spam* function exists in the Python project that is being documented.
Autogenerated Output
Sphinx then built a series of tools to make the generation of this markup easier and more automatic:
* `Autodoc <>`_
* `Autosummary <>`_
Autodoc is a Python-only solution that imports the author's code into memory, and then allows the author to more automatically document full objects. For example, you can document a whole class on a page.
.. code-block:: py
.. autoclass:: Noodle
This will generate output that looks like:
.. class:: Noodle
Noodle's docstring.
There are also options for it to include a full listing of the classes attributes, methods, and other things, automatically.
.. warning:: Remember, this depends on ``Noodle`` being importable by the Python interpreter running Sphinx.
Proposed Architecture
The proposed architecture for this project is as follows:
* A program that will generate a YAML (or JSON) file from a .Net project, representing it's full API information.
* Read the YAML and generate an appropriate tree structure that will the outputted HTML will look like (YAMLTree)
- If time allows, we will allow a merging of these objects with multiple YAML files to allow for prose content to be injected into the output
* Take the YAML structure and generate in-memory rst that corresponds to the Sphinx dotnet Domain objects
* dotnet Domain will output HTML based on the doctree generated from the in-memory RST
In diagram form::
Code -> YAML -> YAMLTree -> RST (Dotnet Domain) -> Sphinx -> HTML
One of the main problems is how to actually structure the outputted HTML pages.
The YAML file will likely be ordered,
but we need to have a place to define the page structure in the HTML.
This can be done before or after the loading of the content into RST.
We decided to do it before loading into RST because that matches standard Sphinx convention.
Generally the markup being fed in as RST is considered to be in a file that maps to it's output loation.
If we tried to maniuplate this structure after loading into the Domain,
that could lead to unexpected consequences like wrong indexes and missing references.
File Structure vs. Hierarchy
Specific ID's should have one specific detail representation.
This means that every YAML docid object should only have one place that it is rendered with a ``.. dn:<method>`` canonical identifier.
All other places it is referenced should be in either:
* A reference
* A toctree (listing)
Sphinx Implementation
The user will run a normal `make html` as part of the experience.
The generation and loading will be done as an extension that can be configured.
There will be Sphinx configuration for how things get built:
.. code-block:: rst
autoapi_root = 'api' # Where HTML is generated
autoapi_dir = 'yaml' # Directory of YAML sources
We will then loop over all YAML files in the ``autoapi_dir`` and parse them.
They will then be output into ``autoapi_root`` inside the documentation.
A nice example of Sphinx Python output similar to what we want:
* Src:
An example domain for Spec:
Other Ideas
.. warning:: Things in this section might not get implemented.
The .Net domain will not be able to depend on importing code from the users code base. We might be able to implement similar authoring tools with the YAML file. We might be able to output the YAML subtree of an object with autodoc style tools:
.. code-block:: rst
.. autodnclass:: System.String
Every object needs a unique identifier
* Loader
- Get a dict of {filename: dictionary of data}
* Mapper
- Transforms a list of all objects generated