{ "funcs": [ { "name": "CopyFuncs", "doc": "CopyFuncs produces a json-annotated array of Func objects from an array of GoDoc Func objects.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "recv": "", "orig": "" }, { "name": "CopyValues", "doc": "CopyValues produces a json-annotated array of Value objects from an array of GoDoc Value objects.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "recv": "", "orig": "" } ], "name": "main", "vars": [], "doc": "", "notes": {}, "bugs": null, "filenames": [ "example/godocjson.go" ], "importPath": "example", "consts": [], "imports": [ "encoding/json", "fmt", "go/doc", "go/parser", "go/token", "os" ], "type": "package", "types": [ { "funcs": [], "name": "Func", "vars": [], "doc": "Func represents a function declaration.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "consts": [], "methods": [] }, { "funcs": [], "name": "Note", "vars": [], "doc": "Note represents a note comment.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "consts": [], "methods": [] }, { "funcs": [ { "name": "CopyPackage", "doc": "CopyPackage produces a json-annotated Package object from a GoDoc Package object.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "recv": "", "orig": "" } ], "name": "Package", "vars": [], "doc": "Package represents a package declaration.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "consts": [], "methods": [] }, { "funcs": [], "name": "Type", "vars": [], "doc": "Type represents a type declaration.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "consts": [], "methods": [] }, { "funcs": [], "name": "Value", "vars": [], "doc": "Value represents a value declaration.\n", "packageName": "main", "packageImportPath": "example", "consts": [], "methods": [] } ] }