Sphinx AutoAPI ============== A tool that generates a full API ref (Javadoc style) for your project. It requires no RST and is fully automated, while being integrated into Sphinx. Contents -------- .. toctree:: :caption: Main :glob: :maxdepth: 2 config templates design .. toctree:: :caption: API :glob: :maxdepth: 2 autoapi/index Install ------- First you need to install autoapi: .. code:: bash pip install sphinx-autoapi Then add it to your Sphinx project's ``conf.py``: .. code:: python extensions = ['autoapi.extension'] autoapi_type = 'python' autoapi_dir = 'path/to/my/project/files' Then in your ``index.rst``, add autoapi to your TOC tree: .. code:: rst .. toctree:: autoapi/index See all available configuration options in :doc:`config`. Customize --------- All of the pages that AutoAPI generates are templated with Jinja2 templates. You can fully customize how pages are displayed on a per-object basis. Read more about it in :doc:`templates`. Design ------ Read more about the deisgn in our :doc:`design`. Currently Implemented --------------------- * Python * .Net Future ------ Our goal is to support the following soon: * Javascript * PHP * Python * Go