import re import os import subprocess import traceback import shutil from collections import defaultdict import unidecode import yaml from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir from sphinx.util.console import darkgreen, bold from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError from .base import PythonMapperBase, SphinxMapperBase # Doc comment patterns DOC_COMMENT_PATTERN = r''' \<%(tag)s \s+%(attr)s="(?P[^"]*?)" \s*? (?: \/\>| \>(?P[^\<]*?)\<\/%(tag)s\> ) ''' DOC_COMMENT_SEE_PATTERN = re.compile( DOC_COMMENT_PATTERN % {'tag': '(?:see|seealso)', 'attr': 'cref'}, re.X) DOC_COMMENT_PARAM_PATTERN = re.compile( DOC_COMMENT_PATTERN % {'tag': '(?:paramref|typeparamref)', 'attr': 'name'}, re.X) # Comment member identities # From: DOC_COMMENT_IDENTITIES = { 'N': 'dn:ns', 'T': 'any', # can be any type (class, delegate, enum, etc), so use any 'F': 'dn:field', 'P': 'dn:prop', 'M': 'dn:meth', 'E': 'dn:event', } class DotNetSphinxMapper(SphinxMapperBase): '''Auto API domain handler for .NET Searches for YAML files, and soon to be JSON files as well, for auto API sources. If no pattern configuration was explicitly specified, then default to looking up a ``docfx.json`` file. :param app: Sphinx application passed in as part of the extension ''' top_namespaces = {} DOCFX_OUTPUT_PATH = '_api' # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def load(self, patterns, dirs, ignore=None, **kwargs): '''Load objects from the filesystem into the ``paths`` dictionary. If the setting ``autoapi_patterns`` was not specified, look for a ``docfx.json`` file by default. A ``docfx.json`` should be treated as the canonical source before the default patterns. Fallback to default pattern matches if no ``docfx.json`` files are found. ''' raise_error = kwargs.get('raise_error', True) all_files = set() if not all_files = set() for _file in self.find_files(patterns=['docfx.json'], dirs=dirs, ignore=ignore): all_files.add(_file) if not all_files: for _file in self.find_files(patterns=patterns, dirs=dirs, ignore=ignore): all_files.add(_file) if all_files: try: command = ['docfx', 'metadata', '--raw', '--force'] command.extend(all_files) proc = subprocess.Popen( ' '.join(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=dict((key, os.environ[key]) for key in ['PATH', 'HOME', 'SYSTEMROOT', 'USERPROFILE', 'WINDIR'] if key in os.environ), ) _, error_output = proc.communicate() if error_output: except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:'Error generating metadata: {0}'.format(e)) if raise_error: raise ExtensionError('Failure in docfx while generating AutoAPI output.') # We now have yaml files for xdoc_path in self.find_files(patterns=['*.yml'], dirs=[self.DOCFX_OUTPUT_PATH], ignore=ignore): data = self.read_file(path=xdoc_path) if data: self.paths[xdoc_path] = data def read_file(self, path, **kwargs): '''Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects :param path: Path of file to read ''' try: with open(path, 'r') as handle: parsed_data = yaml.safe_load(handle) return parsed_data except IOError:'Error reading file: {0}'.format(path)) except TypeError:'Error reading file: {0}'.format(path)) return None # Subclassed to iterate over items def map(self, options=None): '''Trigger find of serialized sources and build objects''' for path, data in self.paths.items(): references = data.get('references', []) for item in data['items']: for obj in self.create_class(item, options, references=references): self.add_object(obj) self.organize_objects() def create_class(self, data, options=None, path=None, **kwargs): ''' Return instance of class based on Roslyn type property Data keys handled here: type Set the object class items Recurse into :py:meth:`create_class` to create child object instances :param data: dictionary data from Roslyn output artifact ''' obj_map = dict( (cls.type, cls) for cls in ALL_CLASSES ) try: cls = obj_map[data['type'].lower()] except KeyError:'Unknown type: %s' % data) else: obj = cls(data, jinja_env=self.jinja_env, options=options, url_root=self.url_root, **kwargs) # Append child objects # TODO this should recurse in the case we're getting back more # complex argument listings yield obj def add_object(self, obj): '''Add object to local and app environment storage :param obj: Instance of a .NET object ''' if obj.top_level_object: if isinstance(obj, DotNetNamespace): self.namespaces[] = obj self.objects[] = obj def organize_objects(self): '''Organize objects and namespaces''' def _render_children(obj): for child in obj.children_strings: child_object = self.objects.get(child) if child_object: obj.item_map[child_object.plural].append(child_object) obj.children.append(child_object) for key in obj.item_map: obj.item_map[key].sort() def _recurse_ns(obj): if not obj: return namespace = obj.top_namespace if namespace is not None: ns_obj = self.top_namespaces.get(namespace) if ns_obj is None or not isinstance(ns_obj, DotNetNamespace): for ns_obj in self.create_class({'uid': namespace, 'type': 'namespace'}): self.top_namespaces[] = ns_obj if obj not in ns_obj.children and namespace != ns_obj.children.append(obj) for obj in self.objects.values(): _render_children(obj) _recurse_ns(obj) # Clean out dead namespaces for key, ns in self.top_namespaces.copy().items(): if not ns.children: del self.top_namespaces[key] for key, ns in self.namespaces.items(): if not ns.children: del self.namespaces[key] def output_rst(self, root, source_suffix): if not self.objects: raise ExtensionError("No API objects exist. Can't continue") for id, obj in self.objects.items(): if not obj or not obj.top_level_object: continue rst = obj.render() if not rst: continue detail_dir = os.path.join(root, obj.pathname) ensuredir(detail_dir) path = os.path.join(detail_dir, '%s%s' % ('index', source_suffix)) with open(path, 'wb') as detail_file: detail_file.write(rst.encode('utf-8')) # Render Top Index top_level_index = os.path.join(root, 'index.rst') with open(top_level_index, 'wb') as top_level_file: content = self.jinja_env.get_template('index.rst') top_level_file.write(content.render(pages=self.namespaces.values()).encode('utf-8')) @staticmethod def build_finished(app, exception): if app.verbosity > 1:'[AutoAPI] ') + darkgreen('Cleaning generated .yml files')) if os.path.exists(DotNetSphinxMapper.DOCFX_OUTPUT_PATH): shutil.rmtree(DotNetSphinxMapper.DOCFX_OUTPUT_PATH) class DotNetPythonMapper(PythonMapperBase): """Base .NET object representation :param references: object reference list from docfx :type references: list of dict objects """ language = 'dotnet' def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): self.references = dict((obj.get('uid'), obj) for obj in kwargs.pop('references', []) if 'uid' in obj) super(DotNetPythonMapper, self).__init__(obj, **kwargs) # Always exist = obj.get('uid', obj.get('id')) self.definition = obj.get('definition', = obj.get('fullName', self.definition) # Optional self.fullname = obj.get('fullName') self.summary = self.transform_doc_comments(obj.get('summary', '')) self.parameters = [] self.items = obj.get('items', []) self.children_strings = obj.get('children', []) self.children = [] self.item_map = defaultdict(list) self.inheritance = [] self.assemblies = obj.get('assemblies', []) # Syntax example and parameter list syntax = obj.get('syntax', None) self.example = '' if syntax is not None: # Code example try: self.example = syntax['content'] except (KeyError, TypeError): traceback.print_exc() self.parameters = [] for param in syntax.get('parameters', []): if 'id' in param: self.parameters.append({ 'name': param.get('id'), 'type': self.resolve_spec_identifier(param.get('type')), 'desc': self.transform_doc_comments( param.get('description', '')) }) self.returns = {} self.returns['type'] = self.resolve_spec_identifier( syntax.get('return', {}).get('type') ) self.returns['description'] = self.transform_doc_comments( syntax.get('return', {}).get('description')) # Inheritance # TODO Support more than just a class type here, should support enum/etc self.inheritance = [DotNetClass({'uid': name, 'name': name}) for name in obj.get('inheritance', [])] def __str__(self): return '<{cls} {id}>'.format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, @property def pathname(self): '''Sluggified path for filenames Slugs to a filename using the follow steps * Decode unicode to approximate ascii * Remove existing hypens * Substitute hyphens for non-word characters * Break up the string as paths ''' slug = try: slug ='(')[0] except IndexError: pass slug = unidecode.unidecode(slug) slug = slug.replace('-', '') slug = re.sub(r'[^\w\.]+', '-', slug).strip('-') return os.path.join(*slug.split('.')) @property def short_name(self): '''Shorten name property''' return'.')[-1] @property def edit_link(self): try: repo = self.source['remote']['repo'].replace('.git', '') path = self.path return '{repo}/blob/master/{path}'.format( repo=repo, path=path, ) except: return '' @property def source(self): return self.obj.get('source') @property def path(self): return self.source['path'] @property def namespace(self): pieces ='.')[:-1] if pieces: return '.'.join(pieces) @property def top_namespace(self): pieces ='.')[:2] if pieces: return '.'.join(pieces) @property def ref_type(self): return self.type @property def ref_directive(self): return self.type @property def ref_name(self): '''Return object name suitable for use in references Escapes several known strings that cause problems, including the following reference syntax:: :dotnet:cls:`Foo.Bar` As the `` notation is also special syntax in references, indicating the reference to Foo.Bar should be named T. See: ''' return ( .replace('<', '\<') .replace('`', '\`')) @property def ref_short_name(self): '''Same as above, return the truncated name instead''' return self.ref_name.split('.')[-1] @staticmethod def transform_doc_comments(text): """ Parse XML content for references and other syntax. This avoids an LXML dependency, we only need to parse out a small subset of elements here. Iterate over string to reduce regex pattern complexity and make substitutions easier .. seealso:: `Doc comment reference ` Reference on XML documentation comment syntax """ try: while True: found = if found is None: break ref = ('attr_value') .replace('<', '\<') .replace('`', '\`')) reftype = 'any' replacement = '' # Given the pattern of `\w:\w+`, inspect first letter of # reference for identity type if ref[1] == ':' and ref[0] in DOC_COMMENT_IDENTITIES: reftype = DOC_COMMENT_IDENTITIES[ref[:1]] ref = ref[2:] replacement = ':{reftype}:`{ref}`'.format( reftype=reftype, ref=ref) elif ref[:2] == '!:': replacement = ref[2:] else: replacement = ':any:`{ref}`'.format(ref=ref) # Escape following text text_end = text[found.end():] text_start = text[:found.start()] text_end = re.sub(r'^(\S)', r'\\\1', text_end) text_start = re.sub(r'(\S)$', r'\1 ', text_start) text = ''.join([text_start, replacement, text_end]) while True: found = if found is None: break # Escape following text text_end = text[found.end():] text_start = text[:found.start()] text_end = re.sub(r'^(\S)', r'\\\1', text_end) text_start = re.sub(r'(\S)$', r'\1 ', text_start) text = ''.join([text_start, '``','attr_value'), '``', text_end]) except TypeError: pass return text def resolve_spec_identifier(self, obj_name): """Find reference name based on spec identifier Spec identifiers are used in parameter and return type definitions, but should be a user-friendly version instead. Use docfx ``references`` lookup mapping for resolution. If the spec identifier reference has a ``spec.csharp`` key, this implies a compound reference that should be linked in a special way. Resolve to a nested reference, with the corrected nodes. .. note:: This uses a special format that is interpreted by the domain for parameter type and return type fields. :param obj_name: spec identifier to resolve to a correct reference :returns: resolved string with one or more references :rtype: str """ ref = self.references.get(obj_name) if ref is None: return obj_name resolved = ref.get('fullName', obj_name) spec = ref.get('spec.csharp', []) parts = [] for part in spec: if part.get('name') == '<': parts.append('{') elif part.get('name') == '>': parts.append('}') elif 'fullName' in part and 'uid' in part: parts.append('{fullName}<{uid}>'.format(**part)) elif 'uid' in part: parts.append(part['uid']) elif 'fullName' in part: parts.append(part['fullName']) if parts: resolved = ''.join(parts) return resolved class DotNetNamespace(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'namespace' ref_directive = 'ns' plural = 'namespaces' top_level_object = True class DotNetMethod(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'method' ref_directive = 'meth' plural = 'methods' class DotNetOperator(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'operator' ref_directive = 'op' plural = 'operators' class DotNetProperty(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'property' ref_directive = 'prop' plural = 'properties' class DotNetEnum(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'enum' ref_type = 'enumeration' ref_directive = 'enum' plural = 'enumerations' top_level_object = True class DotNetStruct(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'struct' ref_type = 'structure' ref_directive = 'struct' plural = 'structures' top_level_object = True class DotNetConstructor(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'constructor' ref_directive = 'ctor' plural = 'constructors' class DotNetInterface(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'interface' ref_directive = 'iface' plural = 'interfaces' top_level_object = True class DotNetDelegate(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'delegate' ref_directive = 'del' plural = 'delegates' top_level_object = True class DotNetClass(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'class' ref_directive = 'cls' plural = 'classes' top_level_object = True class DotNetField(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'field' plural = 'fields' class DotNetEvent(DotNetPythonMapper): type = 'event' plural = 'events' ALL_CLASSES = [ DotNetNamespace, DotNetClass, DotNetEnum, DotNetStruct, DotNetInterface, DotNetDelegate, DotNetOperator, DotNetProperty, DotNetMethod, DotNetConstructor, DotNetField, DotNetEvent ]