import collections import copy import operator import os import re import sphinx.environment from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError import sphinx.util from sphinx.util.console import bold import sphinx.util.docstrings import sphinx.util.logging from ..base import SphinxMapperBase from .parser import Parser from .objects import ( PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonModule, PythonMethod, PythonPackage, PythonAttribute, PythonData, PythonException, ) LOGGER = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) def _expand_wildcard_placeholder(original_module, originals_map, placeholder): """Expand a wildcard placeholder to a sequence of named placeholders. :param original_module: The data dictionary of the module that the placeholder is imported from. :type original_module: dict :param originals_map: A map of the names of children under the module to their data dictionaries. :type originals_map: dict(str, dict) :param placeholder: The wildcard placeholder to expand. :type placeholder: dict :returns: The placeholders that the wildcard placeholder represents. :rtype: list(dict) """ originals = originals_map.values() if original_module["all"] is not None: originals = [] for name in original_module["all"]: if name == "__all__": continue if name not in originals_map: msg = "Invalid __all__ entry {0} in {1}".format( name, original_module["name"] ) LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") continue originals.append(originals_map[name]) placeholders = [] for original in originals: new_full_name = placeholder["full_name"].replace("*", original["name"]) new_original_path = placeholder["original_path"].replace("*", original["name"]) if "original_path" in original: new_original_path = original["original_path"] new_placeholder = dict( placeholder, name=original["name"], full_name=new_full_name, original_path=new_original_path, ) placeholders.append(new_placeholder) return placeholders def _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, module_name, visit_path, resolved): """Resolve all placeholder children under a module. :param modules: A mapping of module names to their data dictionary. Placeholders are resolved in place. :type modules: dict(str, dict) :param module_name: The name of the module to resolve. :type module_name: str :param visit_path: An ordered set of visited module names. :type visited: collections.OrderedDict :param resolved: A set of already resolved module names. :type resolved: set(str) """ if module_name in resolved: return visit_path[module_name] = True module, children = modules[module_name] for child in list(children.values()): if child["type"] != "placeholder": continue if child["original_path"] in modules: module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue imported_from, original_name = child["original_path"].rsplit(".", 1) if imported_from in visit_path: msg = "Cannot resolve cyclic import: {0}, {1}".format( ", ".join(visit_path), imported_from ) LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue if imported_from not in modules: msg = "Cannot resolve import of unknown module {0} in {1}".format( imported_from, module_name ) LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, imported_from, visit_path, resolved) if original_name == "*": original_module, originals_map = modules[imported_from] # Replace the wildcard placeholder # with a list of named placeholders. new_placeholders = _expand_wildcard_placeholder( original_module, originals_map, child ) child_index = module["children"].index(child) module["children"][child_index : child_index + 1] = new_placeholders children.pop(child["name"]) for new_placeholder in new_placeholders: if new_placeholder["name"] not in children: children[new_placeholder["name"]] = new_placeholder original = originals_map[new_placeholder["name"]] _resolve_placeholder(new_placeholder, original) elif original_name not in modules[imported_from][1]: msg = "Cannot resolve import of {0} in {1}".format( child["original_path"], module_name ) LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue else: original = modules[imported_from][1][original_name] _resolve_placeholder(child, original) del visit_path[module_name] resolved.add(module_name) def _resolve_placeholder(placeholder, original): """Resolve a placeholder to the given original object. :param placeholder: The placeholder to resolve, in place. :type placeholder: dict :param original: The object that the placeholder represents. :type original: dict """ new = copy.deepcopy(original) # We are supposed to be resolving the placeholder, # not replacing it with another. assert original["type"] != "placeholder" # The name remains the same. new["name"] = placeholder["name"] new["full_name"] = placeholder["full_name"] # Record where the placeholder originally came from. new["original_path"] = original["full_name"] # The source lines for this placeholder do not exist in this file. # The keys might not exist if original is a resolved placeholder. new.pop("from_line_no", None) new.pop("to_line_no", None) # Resolve the children stack = list(new.get("children", ())) while stack: child = stack.pop() # Relocate the child to the new location assert child["full_name"].startswith(original["full_name"]) suffix = child["full_name"][len(original["full_name"]) :] child["full_name"] = new["full_name"] + suffix # The source lines for this placeholder do not exist in this file. # The keys might not exist if original is a resolved placeholder. child.pop("from_line_no", None) child.pop("to_line_no", None) # Resolve the remaining children stack.extend(child.get("children", ())) placeholder.clear() placeholder.update(new) def _link_objs(value): result = "" delims = r"(\s*[\[\]\(\),]\s*)" delims_re = re.compile(delims) sub_targets = re.split(delims, value.strip()) for sub_target in sub_targets: sub_target = sub_target.strip() if delims_re.match(sub_target): result += f"{sub_target}" if sub_target.endswith(","): result += " " else: result += "\\ " elif sub_target: result += f":py:obj:`{sub_target}`\\ " # Strip off the extra "\ " return result[:-2] class PythonSphinxMapper(SphinxMapperBase): """Auto API domain handler for Python Parses directly from Python files. :param app: Sphinx application passed in as part of the extension """ _OBJ_MAP = { cls.type: cls for cls in ( PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonModule, PythonMethod, PythonPackage, PythonAttribute, PythonData, PythonException, ) } _OBJ_MAP["property"] = PythonMethod def __init__(self, app, template_dir=None, url_root=None): super(PythonSphinxMapper, self).__init__(app, template_dir, url_root) self.jinja_env.filters["link_objs"] = _link_objs self._use_implicit_namespace = ( ) def _need_to_load(self, files): last_files = getattr(, "autoapi_source_files", []) = files last_mtime = getattr(, "autoapi_max_mtime", 0) this_mtime = max(os.path.getmtime(file) for _, file in files) = this_mtime if not return True if != sphinx.environment.CONFIG_OK: return True return last_files != files or not last_mtime or last_mtime < this_mtime def _find_files(self, patterns, dirs, ignore): for dir_ in dirs: dir_root = dir_ if ( os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, "")) or self._use_implicit_namespace ): dir_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_, os.pardir)) for path in self.find_files(patterns=patterns, dirs=[dir_], ignore=ignore): yield dir_root, path def load(self, patterns, dirs, ignore=None): """Load objects from the filesystem into the ``paths`` dictionary Also include an attribute on the object, ``relative_path`` which is the shortened, relative path the package/module """ dir_root_files = list(self._find_files(patterns, dirs, ignore)) if not dir_root_files: raise ExtensionError(f"No source files found in: {','.join(dirs)}") if not self._need_to_load(dir_root_files): LOGGER.debug( "[AutoAPI] Skipping read stage because source files have not changed." ) return False for dir_root, path in sphinx.util.status_iterator( dir_root_files, bold("[AutoAPI] Reading files... "), length=len(dir_root_files), stringify_func=(lambda x: x[1]), ): data = self.read_file(path=path, dir_root=dir_root) if data: data["relative_path"] = os.path.relpath(path, dir_root) self.paths[path] = data return True def read_file(self, path, **kwargs): """Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects :param path: Path of file to read """ dir_root = kwargs.get("dir_root") try: if self._use_implicit_namespace: parsed_data = Parser().parse_file_in_namespace(path, dir_root) else: parsed_data = Parser().parse_file(path) return parsed_data except (IOError, TypeError, ImportError): LOGGER.debug("Reason:", exc_info=True) LOGGER.warning( "Unable to read file: {0}".format(path), type="autoapi", subtype="not_readable", ) return None def _resolve_placeholders(self): """Resolve objects that have been imported from elsewhere.""" modules = {} for module in self.paths.values(): children = {child["name"]: child for child in module["children"]} modules[module["name"]] = (module, children) resolved = set() for module_name in modules: visit_path = collections.OrderedDict() _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, module_name, visit_path, resolved) def map(self, options=None): self._resolve_placeholders() = {} super(PythonSphinxMapper, self).map(options) parents = { obj for obj in self.objects.values()} for obj in self.objects.values(): parent_name =".", 1)[0] if parent_name in parents and parent_name != parent = parents[parent_name] attr = "sub{}s".format(obj.type) getattr(parent, attr).append(obj) for obj in self.objects.values(): obj.submodules.sort() obj.subpackages.sort() = self.objects = self.all_objects def create_class(self, data, options=None, **kwargs): """Create a class from the passed in data :param data: dictionary data of parser output """ try: cls = self._OBJ_MAP[data["type"]] except KeyError: # this warning intentionally has no (sub-)type LOGGER.warning("Unknown type: %s" % data["type"]) else: obj = cls( data,,, jinja_env=self.jinja_env,, **kwargs, ) obj.url_root = self.url_root for child_data in data.get("children", []): for child_obj in self.create_class( child_data, options=options, **kwargs ): obj.children.append(child_obj) # Some objects require children to establish their docstring # or type annotations (eg classes with inheritance), # so do this after all children have been created. lines = obj.docstring.splitlines() lines.append("") # Add back the trailing newline that .splitlines removes if lines and "autodoc-process-docstring" in "autodoc-process-docstring", cls.type,, None, None, lines ) obj.docstring = "\n".join(lines) self._record_typehints(obj) # Parser gives children in source order already if == "alphabetical": obj.children.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("name")) elif == "groupwise": obj.children.sort(key=lambda x: (x.member_order, yield obj def _record_typehints(self, obj): if ( isinstance(obj, (PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonMethod)) and not obj.overloads ): obj_annotations = {} include_return_annotation = True obj_data = obj.obj if isinstance(obj, PythonClass): constructor = obj.constructor if constructor: include_return_annotation = False obj_data = constructor.obj else: return for _, name, annotation, _ in obj_data["args"]: if name and annotation: obj_annotations[name] = annotation return_annotation = obj_data["return_annotation"] if include_return_annotation and return_annotation: obj_annotations["return"] = return_annotation[] = obj_annotations