import json import subprocess import os from sphinx.util.console import bold import sphinx.util.logging from .base import PythonMapperBase, SphinxMapperBase LOGGER = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) class JavaScriptSphinxMapper(SphinxMapperBase): """Auto API domain handler for Javascript Parses directly from Javascript files. :param app: Sphinx application passed in as part of the extension """ def read_file(self, path, **kwargs): """Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects :param path: Path of file to read """ # TODO support JSON here # TODO sphinx way of reporting errors in logs? subcmd = "jsdoc" if == "nt": subcmd = ".".join([subcmd, "cmd"]) try: parsed_data = json.loads(subprocess.check_output([subcmd, "-X", path])) return parsed_data except IOError: LOGGER.warning("Error reading file: {0}".format(path)) except TypeError: LOGGER.warning("Error reading file: {0}".format(path)) return None # Subclassed to iterate over items def map(self, options=None): """Trigger find of serialized sources and build objects""" for _, data in sphinx.util.status_iterator( self.paths.items(), bold("[AutoAPI] ") + "Mapping Data... ", length=len(self.paths), stringify_func=(lambda x: x[0]), ): for item in data: for obj in self.create_class(item, options): obj.jinja_env = self.jinja_env self.add_object(obj) def create_class(self, data, options=None, **kwargs): """Return instance of class based on Javascript data Data keys handled here: type Set the object class consts, types, vars, funcs Recurse into :py:meth:`create_class` to create child object instances :param data: dictionary data from godocjson output """ obj_map = dict((cls.type, cls) for cls in ALL_CLASSES) try: cls = obj_map[data["kind"]] except (KeyError, TypeError): LOGGER.warning("Unknown Type: %s" % data) else: # Recurse for children obj = cls(data, jinja_env=self.jinja_env) if "children" in data: for child_data in data["children"]: for child_obj in self.create_class(child_data, options=options): obj.children.append(child_obj) yield obj class JavaScriptPythonMapper(PythonMapperBase): language = "javascript" def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Map JSON data into Python object. This is the standard object that will be rendered into the templates, so we try and keep standard naming to keep templates more re-usable. """ super(JavaScriptPythonMapper, self).__init__(obj, **kwargs) = obj.get("name") = # Second level self.docstring = obj.get("description", "") # self.docstring = obj.get('comment', '') self.imports = obj.get("imports", []) self.children = [] self.parameters = map( lambda n: {"name": n["name"], "type": n["type"][0]}, obj.get("param", []) ) class JavaScriptClass(JavaScriptPythonMapper): type = "class" ref_directive = "class" top_level_object = True class JavaScriptFunction(JavaScriptPythonMapper): type = "function" ref_type = "func" class JavaScriptData(JavaScriptPythonMapper): type = "data" ref_directive = "data" class JavaScriptMember(JavaScriptPythonMapper): type = "member" ref_directive = "member" class JavaScriptAttribute(JavaScriptPythonMapper): type = "attribute" ref_directive = "attr" ALL_CLASSES = [ JavaScriptFunction, JavaScriptClass, JavaScriptData, JavaScriptAttribute, JavaScriptMember, ]