How-to Guides ============= .. _customise-templates: How to Customise Layout Through Templates ----------------------------------------- You can customise the look of the documentation that AutoAPI generates by changing the Jinja2 templates that it uses. The default templates live in the ``autoapi/templates`` directory of the AutoAPI package. Simply copy whichever templates you want to customise to a local directory and edit them. To get AutoAPI to use these templates, point the :confval:`autoapi_template_dir` configuration option to your directory. It can be absolute, or relative to the root of the documentation directory (ie the directory with the ```` file). .. code-block:: python autoapi_template_dir = '_autoapi_templates' Your template directory must to follow the same layout as the default templates. For example, to override the Python class and module templates: .. code-block:: none _autoapi_templates └── python ├── class.rst └── module.rst How to Customise the Index Page ------------------------------- The index page that AutoAPI creates is generated using a template. So customising the index page follows the same steps as customising a template. Simply edit the ``autoapi/templates/index.rst`` template with the same steps as :ref:`customising a template `. How to Remove the Index Page ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To remove the index page altogether, turn off the :confval:`autoapi_add_toctree_entry` configuration option:: autoapi_add_toctree_entry = False You will then need to include the generated documentation in the toctree yourself. For example if you were generating documentation for a package called "example", you would add the following toctree entry:: .. toctree:: autoapi/example/index Note that ``autoapi/`` is the default location of documentation, as configured by :confval:`autoapi_root`. If you change :confval:`autoapi_root`, then the entry that you need to add would change also. How to Configure Where Documentation Appears in the TOC Tree ------------------------------------------------------------ The :confval:`autoapi_root` configuration option defines where generated documentation is output. To change where documentation is output, simply change this option to another directory relative to the ```` file: .. code-block:: python autoapi_root = 'technical/api' How to Transition to Autodoc-Style Documentation ---------------------------------------------------- Once you have written some documentation with the :ref:`autodoc-directives`, turning the automatic documentation generation off is as easy as disabling the :confval:`autoapi_generate_api_docs` configuration option:: autoapi_generate_api_docs = False How to Transition to Manual Documentation ----------------------------------------- To start writing API documentation yourself, you can get AutoAPI to keep its generated files around as a base to start from using the :confval:`autoapi_keep_files` option:: autoapi_keep_files = True Once you have built your documentation with this option turned on, you can disable AutoAPI altogether from your project. How to Include Type Annotations as Types in Rendered Docstrings --------------------------------------------------------------- .. warning:: This feature is experimental and may change or be removed in future versions. Since v3.0, :mod:`sphinx` has included an :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints` extension that is capable of rendering type annotations as parameter types and return types. For example the following function: .. code-block:: def _func(a: int, b: Optional[str]) -> bool """My function. :param a: The first arg. :param b: The second arg. :returns: Something. """ would be rendered as: .. py:function:: _func(a, b) :noindex: :param int a: The first arg. :param b: The second arg. :type b: Optional[str] :returns: Something. :rtype: bool AutoAPI is capable of the same thing. To enable this behaviour, load the :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints` (or :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`) extension in Sphinx's ```` file and set :confval:`autodoc_typehints` to ``description`` as normal:: extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'autoapi.extension'] autodoc_typehints = 'description' .. note:: Unless :confval:`autodoc_typehints` is set to ``none``, the type annotations of overloads will always be output in the signature and never merged into the description because it is impossible to represent all overloads as a list of parameters.