[ { "comment": "/**\n * Creates an instance of Circle.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @this {Circle}\n * @param {number} r The desired radius of the circle.\n */", "kind": "class", "description": "Creates an instance of Circle.", "this": "{Circle}", "see": [], "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 134, 251 ], "code": { "node": "", "paramnames": [ "r" ], "type": "function", "id": "astnode194706439", "name": "Circle" }, "lineno": 8, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "params": [ { "description": "The desired radius of the circle.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined", "name": "r" } ], "longname": "Circle", "scope": "global", "name": "Circle" }, { "comment": "/** @private */", "kind": "member", "name": "radius", "memberof": "{Circle}", "access": "private", "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 175, 190 ], "code": { "node": "", "type": "NAME", "id": "astnode1413378318", "value": "r", "name": "this.radius" }, "lineno": 9, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "longname": "{Circle}#radius", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "/** @private */", "kind": "member", "name": "circumference", "memberof": "{Circle}", "access": "private", "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 212, 248 ], "code": { "node": "", "type": "MUL", "id": "astnode1157058691", "value": "MUL", "name": "this.circumference" }, "lineno": 10, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "longname": "{Circle}#circumference", "scope": "instance" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Creates a new Circle from a diameter.\n *\n * @param {number} d The desired diameter of the circle.\n * @return {Circle} The new Circle object.\n */", "kind": "function", "description": "Creates a new Circle from a diameter.", "memberof": "Circle", "returns": [ { "description": "The new Circle object.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "Circle" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined" } ], "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 406, 474 ], "code": { "node": "", "paramnames": [ "d" ], "name": "Circle.fromDiameter", "value": "FUNCTION", "type": "FUNCTION", "id": "astnode398110318" }, "lineno": 19, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "params": [ { "description": "The desired diameter of the circle.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined", "name": "d" } ], "longname": "Circle.fromDiameter", "scope": "static", "name": "fromDiameter" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Calculates the circumference of the Circle.\n *\n * @deprecated\n * @this {Circle}\n * @return {number} The circumference of the circle.\n */", "kind": "function", "description": "Calculates the circumference of the Circle.", "this": "{Circle}", "deprecated": true, "longname": "Circle#calculateCircumference", "returns": [ { "description": "The circumference of the circle.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined" } ], "see": [], "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 622, 717 ], "code": { "node": "", "paramnames": [], "name": "Circle.prototype.calculateCircumference", "value": "FUNCTION", "type": "FUNCTION", "id": "astnode1582785598" }, "lineno": 30, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "memberof": "Circle", "scope": "instance", "name": "calculateCircumference" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Returns the pre-computed circumference of the Circle.\n *\n * @this {Circle}\n * @return {number} The circumference of the circle.\n */", "kind": "function", "description": "Returns the pre-computed circumference of the Circle.", "this": "{Circle}", "memberof": "Circle", "returns": [ { "description": "The circumference of the circle.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined" } ], "see": [], "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 860, 942 ], "code": { "node": "", "paramnames": [], "name": "Circle.prototype.getCircumference", "value": "FUNCTION", "type": "FUNCTION", "id": "astnode2134991632" }, "lineno": 40, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "longname": "Circle#getCircumference", "scope": "instance", "name": "getCircumference" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Find a String representation of the Circle.\n *\n * @override\n * @this {Circle}\n * @return {string} Human-readable representation of this Circle.\n */", "kind": "function", "description": "Find a String representation of the Circle.", "tags": [ { "originalTitle": "override", "text": "", "title": "override" } ], "this": "{Circle}", "memberof": "Circle", "returns": [ { "description": "Human-readable representation of this Circle.", "nullable": "undefined", "type": { "names": [ "string" ] }, "defaultvalue": "undefined", "variable": "undefined", "optional": "undefined" } ], "see": [], "meta": { "path": "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example", "range": [ 1101, 1210 ], "code": { "node": "", "paramnames": [], "name": "Circle.prototype.toString", "value": "FUNCTION", "type": "FUNCTION", "id": "astnode1822383117" }, "lineno": 51, "filename": "jsdoc-example.js" }, "longname": "Circle#toString", "scope": "instance", "name": "toString" }, { "files": [ "/Users/eric/projects/sphinx-autoapi/tests/jsexample/example/jsdoc-example.js" ], "kind": "package", "description": "undefined", "version": "undefined", "longname": "package:undefined", "licenses": "undefined", "name": "undefined" } ]