Tutorials ========= Setting up Automatic API Documentation Generation ------------------------------------------------- This tutorial will assume that you already have a basic Sphinx project set up. If you are not sure how to do this, you can following the :doc:`sphinx:usage/quickstart` guide in the Sphinx documentation. The recommended way of installing AutoAPI is through a `virtualenv `_. Once you have a virtualenv set up, you can install AutoAPI with the command:: pip install sphinx-autoapi Depending on which language you are trying to document, each language has a different set of steps for finishing the setup of AutoAPI: .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Python ^^^^^^ To enable the extension, we need to add it to the list of extensions in Sphinx's ``conf.py`` file:: extensions = ['autoapi.extension'] For Python, there is only one required configuration option that we need to set. :confval:`autoapi_dirs` tells AutoAPI which directories contain the source code to document. These can either be absolute, or relative to where you run Sphinx. For example, say we have a package and we have used ``sphinx-quickstart`` to create a Sphinx project in a ``docs/`` folder. The directory structure might look like this: .. code-block:: mypackage/ ├── docs │   ├── _build │   ├── conf.py │   ├── index.rst │   ├── make.bat │   ├── Makefile │   ├── _static │   └── _templates ├── mypackage │   ├── _client.py │   ├── __init__.py │   └── _server.py └── README.md ``sphinx-quickstart`` sets up the ``sphinx-build`` to run from inside the ``docs/`` directory, and the source code is one level up. So the value of our :confval:`autoapi_dirs` option would be:: autoapi_dirs = ['../mypackage'] If you are documenting many packages, you can point AutoAPI to the directory that contains those packages. For example if our source code was inside a ``src/`` directory: .. code-block:: mypackage/ ├── docs │   ├── _build │   ├── conf.py │   ├── index.rst │   ├── make.bat │   ├── Makefile │   ├── _static │   └── _templates ├── README.md └── src └── mypackage ├── _client.py ├── __init__.py └── _server.py We can configure :confval:`autoapi_dirs` to be:: autoapi_dirs = ['../src'] Now that everything is configured, AutoAPI will generate documentation when you run Sphinx! .. code-block:: cd docs/ sphinx-build -b html . _build Go ^^^ Support for Go requires you to have the go environment installed (https://golang.org/dl/), as well as our godocjson tool:: go get github.com/rtfd/godocjson and the Go domain extension for Sphinx:: pip install sphinxcontrib-golangdomain To enable the AutoAPI extension, we need to add it to the list of extensions in Sphinx's ``conf.py`` file with the Go domain extension:: extensions = [ 'sphinxcontrib_golangdomain', 'autoapi.extension', ] For Go, there are two required configuration options that we need to set. :confval:`autoapi_type` tells AutoAPI what type of language we are documenting. For Go, this is:: autoapi_type = 'go' The second configuration option is :confval:`autoapi_dirs`, which tells AutoAPI which directories contain the source code to document. These can either be absolute, or relative to where you run Sphinx. So if your documentation was inside a ``docs/`` directory and your source code is in an ``example`` directory one level up, you would configure :confval:`autoapi_dirs` to be:: autoapi_dirs = ['../example'] Now that everything is configured, AutoAPI will generate documentation when you run Sphinx! .. code-block:: cd docs/ sphinx-build -b html . _build Javscript ^^^^^^^^^ Support for Javascript requires you to have jsdoc (http://usejsdoc.org/) installed:: npm install jsdoc -g To enable the AutoAPI extension, we need to add it to the list of extensions in Sphinx's ``conf.py`` file:: extensions = ['autoapi.extension'] For Javascript, there are two required configuration options that we need to set. :confval:`autoapi_type` tells AutoAPI what type of language we are documenting. For Javascript, this is:: autoapi_type = 'javascript' The second configuration option is :confval:`autoapi_dirs`, which tells AutoAPI which directories contain the source code to document. These can either be absolute, or relative to where you run Sphinx. So if your documentation was inside a ``docs/`` directory and your source code is in an ``example`` directory one level up, you would configure :confval:`autoapi_dirs` to be:: autoapi_dirs = ['../example'] Now that everything is configured, AutoAPI will generate documentation when you run Sphinx! .. code-block:: cd docs/ sphinx-build -b html . _build .NET ^^^^ Support for .NET requires you to have the docfx (https://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) tool installed, as well as the .NET domain extension for Sphinx:: pip install sphinxcontrib-dotnetdomain Firstly, we need to configure docfx to output to a directory known to AutoAPI. By default, ``docfx`` will output metadata files into the ``_api`` path. You can configure which path to output files into by setting the path in your `docfx configuration file `_ in your project repository. For example, if your ``conf.py`` file is located inside a ``docs/`` directory: .. code:: json { "metadata": [{ "dest": "docs/_api" }] } To enable the AutoAPI extension, we need to add it to the list of extensions in Sphinx's ``conf.py`` file with the .NET domain extension:: extensions = [ 'sphinxcontrib.dotnetdomain', 'autoapi.extension', ] For .NET, there are two required configuration options that we need to set. :confval:`autoapi_type` tells AutoAPI what type of language we are documenting. For .NET, this is:: autoapi_type = 'dotnet' The second configuration option is :confval:`autoapi_dirs`, which tells AutoAPI which directories contain the source code to document. These can either be absolute, or relative to where you run Sphinx. So if your documentation was inside a ``docs/`` directory and your source code is in an ``example`` directory one level up, you would configure :confval:`autoapi_dirs` to be:: autoapi_dirs = ['../example'] Now that everything is configured, AutoAPI will generate documentation when you run Sphinx! .. code-block:: cd docs/ sphinx-build -b html . _build