import sys import os import textwrap import ast import tokenize as tk from collections import defaultdict from pydocstyle import parser from .base import PythonMapperBase, SphinxMapperBase from ..utils import slugify if sys.version_info < (3,): from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest else: from itertools import zip_longest class PythonSphinxMapper(SphinxMapperBase): """Auto API domain handler for Python Parses directly from Python files. :param app: Sphinx application passed in as part of the extension """ def load(self, patterns, dirs, **kwargs): """Load objects from the filesystem into the ``paths`` dictionary Also include an attribute on the object, ``relative_path`` which is the shortened, relative path the package/module """ for dir_ in dirs: for path in self.find_files(patterns=patterns, dirs=[dir_], **kwargs): data = self.read_file(path=path) data.relative_path = os.path.relpath(path, dir_) if data: self.paths[path] = data def read_file(self, path, **kwargs): """Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects :param path: Path of file to read """ try: parsed_data = ParserExtra()(open(path), path) return parsed_data except (IOError, TypeError, ImportError):'Error reading file: {0}'.format(path)) return None def create_class(self, data, options=None, path=None, **kwargs): """Create a class from the passed in data :param data: dictionary data of pydocstyle output """ obj_map = dict((cls.type, cls) for cls in [PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonModule, PythonMethod, PythonPackage]) try: cls = obj_map[data.kind] except KeyError:"Unknown type: %s" % data.kind) else: obj = cls(data, jinja_env=self.jinja_env,, **kwargs) for child_data in data.children: for child_obj in self.create_class(child_data, options=options, **kwargs): obj.children.append(child_obj) yield obj class PythonPythonMapper(PythonMapperBase): language = 'python' is_callable = False def __init__(self, obj, **kwargs): super(PythonPythonMapper, self).__init__(obj, **kwargs) = self._get_full_name(obj) = slugify( # Optional self.children = [] self.args = [] if self.is_callable: self.args = self._get_arguments(obj) self.docstring = obj.docstring if getattr(obj, 'parent'): self.inheritance = [] else: self.inheritance = [] # For later self.item_map = defaultdict(list) @property def is_undoc_member(self): return bool(self.docstring) @property def is_private_member(self): return not self.obj.is_public @property def is_special_member(self): return ( (isinstance(self.obj, parser.Method) and self.obj.is_magic) or ('__') and'__')) ) @property def display(self): if self.is_undoc_member and 'undoc-members' not in self.options: return False if self.is_private_member and 'private-members' not in self.options: return False if self.is_special_member and 'special-members' not in self.options: return False return True @staticmethod def _get_full_name(obj): """Recursively build the full name of the object from pydocstyle Uses an additional attribute added to the object, ``relative_path``. This is the shortened path of the object name, if the object is a package or module. :param obj: pydocstyle object, as returned from Parser() :returns: Dotted name of object :rtype: str """ def _inner(obj, parts=None): if parts is None: parts = [] obj_kind = obj.kind obj_name = if obj_kind == 'module': obj_name = getattr(obj, 'relative_path', None) or obj_name = obj_name.replace('/', '.') ext = '.py' if obj_name.endswith(ext): obj_name = obj_name[:-len(ext)] elif obj_kind == 'package': obj_name = getattr(obj, 'relative_path', None) or exts = ['/', '.py'] for ext in exts: if obj_name.endswith(ext): obj_name = obj_name[:-len(ext)] obj_name = obj_name.split('/').pop() parts.insert(0, obj_name) try: return _inner(obj.parent, parts) except AttributeError: pass return parts return '.'.join(_inner(obj)) @staticmethod def _get_arguments(obj): """Get arguments from a pydocstyle object :param obj: pydocstyle object, as returned from Parser() :returns: list of argument or argument and value pairs :rtype: list """ arguments = [] source = textwrap.dedent(obj.source) # Bare except here because AST parsing can throw any number of # exceptions, including SyntaxError try: parsed = ast.parse(source) except Exception as e: # noqa print("Error parsing AST: %s" % str(e)) return [] parsed_args = parsed.body[0].args arg_names = [ if sys.version_info < (3,) else arg.arg for arg in parsed_args.args] # Get defaults for display based on AST node type arg_defaults = [] pydocstyle_map = { ast.Name: 'id', ast.Num: 'n', ast.Str: lambda obj: '"{0}"'.format(obj.s), # Call function name can be an `Attribute` or `Name` node, make sure # we're using the correct attribute for the id ast.Call: lambda obj: ( if isinstance(obj.func, ast.Name) else obj.func.attr), # TODO these require traversal into the AST nodes. Add this for more # complete argument parsing, or handle with a custom AST traversal. ast.List: lambda _: 'list', ast.Tuple: lambda _: 'tuple', ast.Set: lambda _: 'set', ast.Dict: lambda _: 'dict', } if sys.version_info >= (3,): pydocstyle_map.update({ ast.NameConstant: 'value', }) for value in parsed_args.defaults: default = None try: default = pydocstyle_map[type(value)](value) except TypeError: default = getattr(value, pydocstyle_map[type(value)]) except KeyError: pass if default is None: default = 'None' arg_defaults.append(default) # Apply defaults padded to the end of the longest list. AST returns # argument defaults as a short array that applies to the end of the list # of arguments for (name, default) in zip_longest(reversed(arg_names), reversed(arg_defaults)): arg = name if default is not None: arg = '{0}={1}'.format(name, default) arguments.insert(0, arg) # Add *args and **kwargs if parsed_args.vararg: arguments.append('*{0}'.format( parsed_args.vararg if sys.version_info < (3, 3) else parsed_args.vararg.arg )) if parsed_args.kwarg: arguments.append('**{0}'.format( parsed_args.kwarg if sys.version_info < (3, 3) else parsed_args.kwarg.arg )) return arguments class PythonFunction(PythonPythonMapper): type = 'function' is_callable = True class PythonMethod(PythonPythonMapper): type = 'method' is_callable = True class PythonModule(PythonPythonMapper): type = 'module' top_level_object = True class PythonPackage(PythonPythonMapper): type = 'package' top_level_object = True class PythonClass(PythonPythonMapper): type = 'class' # Parser class ParserExtra(parser.Parser): """Extend Parser object to provide customized return""" def parse_object_identifier(self): """Parse object identifier""" assert self.current.kind == tk.NAME identifier = '' while True: is_identifier = ( self.current.kind == tk.NAME or ( self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value == '.' ) ) if is_identifier: identifier += self.current.value else: break return identifier def parse_string(self): """Clean up STRING nodes""" val = self.current.value self.consume(tk.STRING) return val.lstrip('\'"').rstrip('\'"') def parse_number(self): """Parse a NUMBER node to either a ``float`` or ``int``""" val = self.current.value self.consume(tk.NUMBER) normalized_val = float(val) try: normalized_val = int(val) except ValueError: pass return normalized_val def parse_iterable(self): """Recursively parse an iterable object This will return a local representation of the parsed data, except for NAME nodes. This does not currently attempt to perform lookup on the object names defined in an iterable. This is mostly a naive implementation and won't handle complex structures. This is only currently meant to parse simple iterables, such as ``__all__`` and class parent classes on class definition. """ content = None is_list = True while self.current is not None: if self.current.kind == tk.STRING: content.append(self.parse_string()) elif self.current.kind == tk.NUMBER: content.append(self.parse_number()) elif self.current.kind == tk.NAME: # Handle generators if self.current.value == 'for' and not content: is_list = False # TODO this is dropped for now, but will can be handled with an # object lookup in the future, if we decide to track assignment. # content.append(self.parse_object_identifier()) elif self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value in '[(': if content is None: content = [] else: content.append(self.parse_iterable()) continue elif self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value in '])': if is_list: return content # Discard generator because we can't do anything with them return [] else: def parse_docstring(self): """Clean up object docstring""" docstring = super(ParserExtra, self).parse_docstring() if not docstring: docstring = '' docstring = textwrap.dedent(docstring) docstring = docstring.replace("'''", '').replace('"""', '') return docstring def parse_all(self): """Parse __all__ assignment This differs from the default __all__ assignment processing by: * Accepting multiple __all__ assignments * Doesn't throw exceptions on edge cases * Parses NAME nodes (but throws them out for now """ assert self.current.value == '__all__' self.consume(tk.NAME) if self.current.kind != tk.OP or self.current.value not in ['=', '+=']: return assign_op = self.current.value self.consume(tk.OP) if self.all is None: self.all = [] all_content = [] # Support [], [] + [], and [] + foo.__all__ by iterating of list # assignments while True: if self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value in '([': content = self.parse_iterable() all_content.extend(content) elif self.current.kind == tk.NAME: name = self.parse_object_identifier() # TODO Skip these for now. In the future, this name should be # converted to an object that will be resolved after we've # parsed at a later stage in the mapping process. # all_content.append(name) if self.current.kind == tk.OP and self.current.value == '+': else: break if assign_op == '=': self.all = all_content elif assign_op == '+=': self.all += all_content