Build initial toctree implementation

Eric Holscher 8 years ago
parent 6ff30f7d14
commit 4eefb01759

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ This extension allows you to automagically generate API documentation from your
import os
import shutil
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.util.console import darkgreen, bold
from sphinx.addnodes import toctree
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError
@ -127,10 +129,61 @@ def doctree_read(app, doctree):'[AutoAPI] ') + darkgreen('Adding AutoAPI TOCTree to index.rst'))
def _build_toc_node(docname, anchor='anchor', text='test text'):
reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True, refuri=docname,
anchorname='#' + anchor, *[nodes.Text(text, text)])
para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference)
return nodes.list_item('', para)
def _find_toc_node(toc, ref_id, objtype):
for check_node in toc.traverse(nodes.reference):
if objtype == nodes.section and check_node.attributes['refuri'] == ref_id:
return check_node
if objtype == addnodes.desc and check_node.attributes['anchorname'] == '#' + ref_id:
return check_node
return None
def _traverse_parent(node, objtypes):
curr_node = node.parent
while curr_node is not None:
if isinstance(curr_node, objtypes):
return curr_node
curr_node = curr_node.parent
return None
def doctree_resolved(app, doctree, docname):
"Add domain objects to the toctree"
toc = app.env.tocs[docname]
for desc_node in doctree.traverse(addnodes.desc):
# objtype = desc_node.attributes.get('objtype')
# if objtype == 'class':
ref_id = desc_node.children[0].attributes['ids'][0]
ref_text = desc_node.children[0].astext()
to_add = _build_toc_node(docname, anchor=ref_id, text=ref_text)
parent_node = _traverse_parent(node=desc_node, objtypes=(addnodes.desc, nodes.section))
if parent_node:
if isinstance(parent_node, nodes.section):
parent_ref_id = docname
toc_reference = _find_toc_node(toc, parent_ref_id, nodes.section)
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
parent_ref_id = parent_node.children[0].attributes['ids'][0]
toc_reference = _find_toc_node(toc, parent_ref_id, addnodes.desc)
if toc_reference:
toc_insertion_point = _traverse_parent(toc_reference, nodes.bullet_list)
if toc_insertion_point:
def setup(app):
app.connect('builder-inited', run_autoapi)
app.connect('build-finished', build_finished)
app.connect('doctree-read', doctree_read)
app.connect('doctree-resolved', doctree_resolved)
app.add_config_value('autoapi_type', 'python', 'html')
app.add_config_value('autoapi_root', API_ROOT, 'html')
app.add_config_value('autoapi_ignore', [], 'html')
